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This document details the steps involved in Installing latest version of Apache Incubator Ranger independently on RHEL / Ubuntu / SUSE / Debian OS.

Ranger Admin support on Apache Components 




Installation of Ranger includes the following. Plan to install and configure in the same order.

Ranger Admin Portal - This is the UI portal and RESTful server for managing policies, users and groups. It also contains the UI interface for Audit queries and adhoc reports.

Ranger UserSync - This is a standalone server with dual purpose. It is used to synchronize the users/groups from Unix system or LDAP into RangerAdmin. This standalone process can be also used as an authentication server for RangerAdmin to use the linux user/password for login into RangerAdmin.

Ranger KMS - This service provides key management for Hadoop HDFS Encryption (TDE). It is highly scalable and provides access control and auditing. This service is optional and only needed if you are planning to use HDFS TDE.

Component Plugins - Ranger provides authorization and auditing for the following Apache projects. Apache Ranger version 0.5.x is compatible with only the component versions mentioned below. You need to install and enable the plugins for only does components you want enable Ranger Authorization and Auditing.


Dependent Services: Refer to Prerequisites section




OpenJDK 1.7

SunJDK 1.7

Run RangerAdmin and RangerKMS

MySQL 5.7+

Oracle - latest

Postgres - latest

SQL Server - latest

  1. Storing policies
  2. Storing Ranger Users and Groups
  3. Storing Audit Logs (Optional)

Apache Solr - 5.2.1+

  1. Store Audit Logs
  2. Used by RangerAdmin Portal to search AuditLogs
HDFSApache HDFS - 2.7+
  1. Store Audit Logs (Optional, but recommended)


Microsoft AD

Even though not mandatory for installing and using Ranger, it is strongly recommended to enable Kerberos in your Hadoop. This ensures all requests are authenticated, which is very important for authorization and auditing. Without Kerberos, users would you be able to impersonate other users and workaround any authorization policies

Installation Instructions

Since Apache Ranger is still an incubating project, binary distribution is still not available. To install Apache Ranger, you will need to build from source. The below instructions is to build on RHEL or CentOS 6+ Linux server.

Preparing to install

You need to login as root or will need "sudo" access to install some of the build tools.

Install Maven

Required to build the project

Code Block
cd /usr/local 
# Download maven latest distribution tar from apache maven site
tar -xvf apache-­maven-<Version>-­bin.tar.gz

export M2_HOME=/usr/local/apache-­maven-­<Version>
export M2=$M2_HOME/bin 
export PATH=$M2:$PATH 
#Now to test your install of Maven, enter the following command
mvn -version 

Install git

Required to download the source code from Apache Ranger git repository

Code Block
yum install git 

Install gcc

This is optional and required if you are using your Linux /etc/passwd to authenticate to login into Ranger Admin. It is not required if you are using RangerAdmin local user/password or LDAP for authentication.

Code Block
yum install gcc 

Install MySQL

Ranger support MySQL, Oracle,  MS SQL and PostGress RDBMS.  Please refer to official installation from the vendor site. This section gives quick instructions about how to install MySQL. For full detail please refer to

If you using RedHat or CentOS, find out the version of your distribution

Code Block
$ cat /etc/issue
CentOS release 6.6 (Final)
Kernel \r on an \m

Go to the this site and download the release package for your platform.

Code Block
sudo rpm -Uvh platform-and-version-specific-package-name.rpm
sudo rpm -Uvh mysql-community-release-el6-5.noarch.rpm
yum repolist all | grep mysql
yum repolist enabled | grep mysql
    mysql-connectors-community MySQL Connectors Community                         14
    mysql-tools-community      MySQL Tools Community                              25
    mysql56-community          MySQL 5.6 Community Server                        180
#By default 5.6 is enabled. If you want to install 5.7, then please refer to the document to enable it
sudo yum install mysql-community-server



Build Ranger Admin from source 

Clone the ranger source code

Code Block
mkdir ~/dev 
cd ~/dev 
git clone

Build the source 

Code Block
cd ~/dev/incubator-ranger 
export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx512M" 
export JAVA_HOME=<Java Installation Directory>
#e.g. export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java
#Make sure your java version is 1.7.x
$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -version
   java version "1.7.0_79"
   OpenJDK Runtime Environment (rhel- u79-b14)
   OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.79-b02, mixed mode)
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
mvn clean compile package assembly:assembly install
ls target/*.tar.gz
   ranger-0.5.0-admin.tar.gz ranger-0.5.0-kms.tar.gz ranger-0.5.0-storm-plugin.tar.gz ranger-0.5.0-hbase-plugin.tar.gz ranger-0.5.0-knox-plugin.tar.gz ranger-0.5.0-usersync.tar.gz ranger-0.5.0-hdfs-plugin.tar.gz ranger-0.5.0-migration-util.tar.gz ranger-0.5.0-yarn-plugin.tar.gz ranger-0.5.0-hive-plugin.tar.gz ranger-0.5.0-solr-plugin.tar.gz ranger-0.5.0-kafka-plugin.tar.gz ranger-0.5.0-src.tar.gz

Verify all the tar files under the target directory:



B. Install latest version of Database MySQL/ ORACLE/ Postgres/ SQL Server

Installation Instructions

Preparing to install

Install Maven

Code Block
cd /usr/local 
# Download maven latest distribution tar from apache maven site
tar -­xvf apache-­maven-­<Version>-­bin.tar.gz

export M2_HOME=/usr/local/apache-­maven-­<Version>
export M2=$M2_HOME/bin 
export PATH=$M2:$PATH 
#Now to test your install of Maven, enter the following command
mvn -­version 

Install git

Code Block
yum install git 

Install gcc and export JAVA_HOME

Code Block
yum search gcc # Select the appropriate gcc and do 'yum install gcc' 
export JAVA_HOME=<Java Installation Directory>

Build Ranger Admin from source 

Clone the ranger source code

Code Block
mkdir ~/dev 
cd ~/dev 
git clone­-ranger.git

Build the source 

Code Block
cd incubator­-ranger 
export MAVEN_OPTS="­-Xmx512M" 
mvn clean compile package assembly:assembly install


Install Steps for Ranger Policy Admin on RHEL/CentOS


Lay down the build into appropriate



Code Block
cd /usr/local 
sudo tar zxvf ~/dev/incubator­incubator-ranger/target/ranger-­00.5.0-­adminadmin.tar.gz
sudo ln ­-s ranger-­00.5.0-­adminadmin ranger-­adminadmin 
cd /usr/local/ranger-­admin 


Install and configure Solr or SolrCloud

Ranger stores audit logs in Solr. The RangerAdmin UI depends on Solr for running adhoc queries on audit logs. Please refer to the following link to install and configure Solr.


2. Update the 

2.1 Configure database properties. For MySQL, you will need to use b. Verify the root password that you had picked while installing mysql. I had chosen root so the relevant section in my file looks as follows:

Code Block


Code Block
ranger-­adminadmin start 

h. The ranger-admin script supports the following options:


Start the Ranger Admin service : ranger-­admin start

Stop the Ranger Admin service : ranger-­admin admin stop 

Restart the Ranger Admin service : ranger-­admin restart


Code Block
cd /usr/local 
sudo tar ­zxvf ~/dev/ incubator­incubator-ranger/target/ranger-­00.5.0-­usersync.tar.gz
sudo ln ­-s ranger-­0.5.0-­usersync ranger-­usersync
sudo mkdir ­-p /var/log/ranger-­usersync 
sudo chown ranger /var/log/ranger­ranger-usersync 
sudo chgrp ranger /var/log/ranger­ranger-usersync 
  • Edit the file and fill out relevant information.


Code Block
export JAVA_HOME=<pathToJavaHome>

After installing ranger ­usersync, follow the same steps to start/stop services of usersync work.
./ranger­-usersync­ start 

h. The ranger-usersync script supports the following options:


Code Block
sudo yum install java-­11.7.0-­openjdk­-devel
  • Make a note of the location where you installed Apache Hadoop. Here I assume that you have installed it in


Code Block
sudo useradd ­­--home-­dir /var/hadoop --­­createcreate-­homehome --­­shell /bin/bash ­­--user-­group hadoop 

If you get the group exists error, try the following command:
