Versions Compared


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API Changes


  • linkDomainToLdap - Admin only Api
    • domainId - the domain which has to be linked
    • type - OU/GROUP
    • name - common name of group or OU
    • admin - domain admin username in LDAP - optional
  • Response
    • return the domainId on success
    • error message if its not successful
  • TODO: sample request and response


    A new api to link ldap OU/domain with a CloudStack domain


  • linkDomainToLdap - Admin only Api


        • domainId - the domain which has to be linked


        • type - OU/GROUP


        • name - common name of group or OU


        • accounttype - account type to be used while auto importing the accounts


        • admin - domain admin username in LDAP - optional


      • Response


            • return the domainId, name, type, accountType on success (will also return accountid if account import of the user admin is successful)


            • error message if its not successful


          • Sample Api and response


            • ...

                • link domain and make rajanik admin

              cloudmonkey > link domaintoldap accounttype=2 name="cn=dev-hyd,dc=ccp,dc=citrite,dc=net" domainid=8f89a84e-51a0-459f-a9ed-9079ce790235 type="GROUP" admin=rajanik


                "LinkDomainToLdap": {

                  "accountid": "13",

                  "accounttype": 2,

                  "domainid": 3,

                  "name": "cn=dev-hyd,dc=ccp,dc=citrite,dc=net",

                  "type": "GROUP"





                • link domain and make rajanik admin - rajanik already exists in domain

              cloudmonkey > link domaintoldap accounttype=2 name="cn=dev-hyd,dc=ccp,dc=citrite,dc=net" domainid=8f89a84e-51a0-459f-a9ed-9079ce790235 type="GROUP" admin=rajanik


                "LinkDomainToLdap": {

                  "accounttype": 2,

                  "domainid": 3,

                  "name": "cn=dev-hyd,dc=ccp,dc=citrite,dc=net",

                  "type": "GROUP"





                • link domain

              cloudmonkey > link domaintoldap accounttype=2 name="cn=dev-hyd,dc=ccp,dc=citrite,dc=net" domainid=8f89a84e-51a0-459f-a9ed-9079ce790235 type="GROUP"


                "LinkDomainToLdap": {

                  "accounttype": 2,

                  "domainid": 3,

                  "name": "cn=dev-hyd,dc=ccp,dc=citrite,dc=net",

                  "type": "GROUP"





              UI Changes

              a pop to link ou/group to cloudstack

              this should show list of domains in cloudstack and provide text fields for type, name, admin(optional) and on save call the connectDomainToLdap api


              LDAP : Trust AD and Auto Import Test Plan

              Open Issues

              When a user is disabled in LDAP, authentication in CloudStack will fail immediately. But, he will disabled in CloudStack only when he tries to login.



              Bug Reference & Branch
