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Installing PGA in MAC OS

Installing Prerequisites

  1. To install MCrypt for PHP on MAC please follow the steps in
  2. Once above is completed follow the steps given in for
    1. Configuring Apache
    2. Installing Composer 

Download and Configure PGA


Troubleshooting PGA Installation Issues  

If you are facing issues and not able to open the user interface even after doing the necessary steps, please troubleshot with below steps
below command may not work which is specified in the installation page for the Ubuntu :

  • After following the required steps only the home page is working and some images are not shown properly.
    • If you are facing this behavior first check whether you have enabled mod_rewrite module in apache webserver. And also check whether you have set AllowOverride All in the Vhost configuration file in apache web server. (e.g file location is /etc/apache2/sites-available/default and there should be two places where you want to change)


<VirtualHost *:80>




    DocumentRoot /var/www/html/portal/public




    <Directory "/var/www/html/portal/public">


       AllowOverride all




    ErrorLog logs/pga_error_log


    CustomLog logs/pga--access_log common


  • I get the Error message Permission Denied to app/storage directory
    • Execute the following command and grant all permissions sudo chmod -R 777 app/storage
  • When executing sudo composer install it asks for Mcrypt PHP extension required, then install mcrypt by following the below steps

sudo apt-get install php5-mcrypt

 use locate ,to get its locaton

locate mcrypt.ini and open the mcrypt.ini file
sudo pico /etc/php5/mods-available/mcrypt.ini
change the at line a extension=<location of e fil> eg:/usr/lib/php5/20121212/
save changes. 

execute the command:  sudo php5enmod mcrypt 

Now restart the apache server again and test PGA web-interface.