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Getting started 

General Features

 Login to the system:

  • You can Login to the system by providing your username and password. For simplicity, your username is also displayed on your home page. Be aware that the website login is case sensitive.You must use capital letters,numbers where appropriate in your username and password.




Log out to the system:

  • Your username is also displayed on your homepage, on top right. Option to Logout is provided under the drop list here.


Service Manager (Access Manager)


  • The Access Manager is accessible from the top page. The top page shows a list of tools supported by Ranger’s solution. The Access Manager adds and administers the services.

  • Delegated Admin 


You can enable and disable the policy.By default the policy is in enabled state.After disabling the policy the user (except admin and admin user)won't have rights to access the policy anymore.

Add Service

  • You can add a service by clicking on the plus icon next to each column on the Service Manager page. Details of the service and other config properties can be added in this step. The added service will be listed as show below.


  • Step 2 : Add a Service screen






Service name

Name of the service,you will need to specify the service name in the agent config


Give any description for reference

Active Status

You can choose this option to enable or disable the service

User name

Specify the end system username that can be used for connection


Add the password for username above

Namenode URL


Authorization Enabled

Authorization involves restricting access to resources.If enable,user need authorization credential.

Authentication Type

Specify the authentication type

It should be taken from hadoop configuration file,core-site.xml; Mapping of login credential to a username with hadoop


It should be taken from hadoop configuration file,hdfs-site.xml;Provide only if kerberos authentication is enabled; Principle associated with datanode


It should be taken from hadoop configuration file,hdfs-site.xml;Provide only if kerberos authentication is enabled; Principle associated with namenode


Should be taken from hadoop configuration file, hdfs-site.xml; Provide only if kerberos authentication is enabled; principal associated with secondary- namenode

RPC Protection Type

Only authorised user can view,use and contribute to a dataset

Common Name for certificate

Specify the name of the certificate

Add new Configurations

Specify the new configurations






Service Name

Name of the service, you will need to specify the service name in the agents config


Give any description for reference.

Active Status

You can choose this option to enable or disable the service


Specify the end system user name that can be used for connection


Add the password for username above


Specify the full classname of the

driver used for Hive connections.

The default HiveServer2 classname is




Common name for certificate

Specify common name for certificate

Add new configurations

Specify new configurations




Search Criteria


Access Enforcer

Access enforcer indicates who made the decision to allow or deny. In case of HDFS, the enforcer would XA (Ranger) or Hadoop.

Access Type

Type of access user has for e.g read,write

Start date,End date

Time and date is stored for each access.A date range is used to filter the results for that particular date range.

Service Name

The name of the service which the user tries to access

Service Type

The type of the service which the user tries to access


This shows whether the operation was successfull or not


Name of the user which tried to access the resource

Client ip

Ip address of the user system which tried to access the resource






  • This module Contains all events for the HDP Security Administration Web UI, including Service, Policy Manager, Log in, etc. (actions like create,update,delete,password change).You can filter the data based on the following



Search Criteria



These are operations performed on resources e.g(actions like create,update,delete,password change)

Audit Type

There are three values Resource,asset and xa user according to operations performed on Service,policy and users.

Session id

The session count increments each time you try to login to the system

Start Date

Login time and date is stored for each session.A date range is used to filter the results for that particular date range


Username who has performed create,update,delete operation.



  • This module logs the information related to the sessions for each login.You can filter the data based on



Search Criteria


End Date,Start Date

Login time and date is stored for each session.A date range is used to filter the results for that particular date range     


The IP of the system through which we log in

Login id

The user name through which you login to the system

Login Type

The mode through which the user tries to login.(By entering username and password)


Result based on login pass or fail

Session id

The session count increments each time you try to login to the system

User Agent

Login time and date is stored for each session



  • Click on session id for session details.


  • This module shows the upload history of the Security Agents.This module displays all the services Exported from the system.You can filter the data based on the followin.



Search Criteria


Http Response Code

The http code which you get when you try to export the Services

Plugin IP

Ip of the agent which tries to export the service

Plugin Id

Name of the agent which tries to export the service

Start Date,End Date

Export time and date is stored for each agent. A date range is used to filter the results for that particular date range.

Service Name

The service name we are trying to export.



  • Plugins tab is useful to check components are communicating successfully with ranger or not.
