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titleWeb UI SSO Flow (SAML)
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participant "Browser" as cli
participant "WebUI\n(eg NN UI)" as ui #lime
participant "Knox\nTS/SSO" as sso #lime
participant "SAML IdP\n(eg Shibboleth)" as idp
activate cli
cli -> ui: /view.GET()
  note right: User/browser makes request to UI without valid token
  activate ui
  cli <-- ui: redirect302(SSO:/login,ui-origin-url)
  note right: AuthFilter in UI detectes no/invalid token redirects to KnoxTS/SSO preserving ui-origin-url
  deactivate ui
cli -> sso: /login.GET(ui-origin-uil)
  note right: Browser follows redirect
  activate sso
  cli <-- sso: redirect302(IdP:/login,knox-origin-url)
  note right: KnoxTS/SSO finds no/invalid token,\nredirects to SAML IdP preserving knox-origin-url with encoded ui-origin-uri
  deactivate sso
cli -> idp: /login.GET(knox-origin-url)
  note right: Browser follows redirect
  activate idp
  cli <-- idp: ok200(form)
  note right: SAML IdP presents login form to user
  deactivate idp
cli -> idp: /login.POST(username,password)
note right: User provides credentials to IdP via login form.\nSAML IdP validates credentials.
  activate idp
  cli <-- idp: redirect302(knox-origin-url,saml-bearer-token)
  note right: IdP redirects back to knox-origin-url with SAML Bearer token in headers
  deactivate idp
cli -> sso: /login.GET(saml-bearer-token)
  note right: KnoxTS/SSO converts SAML Bearer Token to a normalized JWT Bearer Token\nand extracts ui-origin-url from knox-origin-url
  activate sso
  cli <-- sso: redirect302(ui-origin-url,jwt-bearer-token-cookie)
  note right: KnoxTS/SSO redirects client back to ui-origin-url with JWT Bearer token in cookie
  deactivate sso
cli -> ui: /view.GET(jwt-bearer-token-cookie)
note right: Browser follows redirect to ui-origin-url with JWT Bearer Token in cookie.\nJWT Bearer Token validated by AuthFilter in UI
  activate ui
  cli <- ui: ok200(response)
  note right: Request processes and response returned to client.
  deactivate ui
deactivate cli

Knox Picketlink Federation Provider

The picketlink federation provider allows for the federation of an authentication event that is represented by a SAML assertion cookie/token.

It enables the flow illustrated above in the sequence diagram for SAML based authentication for Hadoop Web UIs and is based on Apache Picketlink.

It has currently been tested with shibboleth as the SAML provider.

The following table details the configuration elements of the provider:

identity.urlThe URL to redirect incoming requests that do not contain the expected cookie and presumably to facilitate an authentication challenge.none
service.urlThe URL back to the KnoxSSO endpoint for the IdP to redirect the browser after authentication.none
keystore.urlThe location of the keystore with the public cert of the IdP for token validation. BUG: this is currently hardcoded to gateway.jksgateway.jks
validating.alias.keyThis is the idp domain which is used as the alias for looking up the alias for the cert to validate incoming tokens with - ie. idp.example.comnone
validating.alias.valueThis is the alias for the actual cert to use for the idp domain - ie. server.crtnone
clock.skew.milisThe clock skew to use during the validation of tokensnone


Sample Topology file: "idp.xml"






Proof of Concept Status

The following notes reflect the CURRENT POC state for the above flow inside an Ambari managed ambari-vagrant 3 node cluster:


** CAVEAT: the simple hadoop-auth cookie and any subsequent JWT solution will dictate that knoxsso endpoint be in the same domain as all of the UIs. IOW - all nodes in the cluster that host UIs or will need the cookie to be available need to be in the same domain as the knoxsso endpoint.

Required Configuration for Hadoop Consoles

OBSOLETE but in the proper spirit of HADOOP-11717 (

serverASF JIRA




Picketlink POC Server

The knoxsso endpoint at this point is represented by a simple embedded jetty server hosting a webapp with a number of filters.
