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Example #6: Client and Server with asynchronous JAX-RS service (server-side)

In this example server-side implementation of the JAX-RS service is going to be executed asynchronously. It poses a challenge from the tracing prospective as request and response are processed in different threads (in general). At the moment, Apache CXF does not support the transparent tracing spans management (except for default use case) but provides the simple ways to do that (by letting to transfer spans from thread to thread). The client-side code stays unchanged.

Code Block
@Produces( { MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON } )
public void getBooks(@Suspended final AsyncResponse response, @Context final TracerContext tracer) throws Exception {
    tracer.continueSpan(new Traceable<Future<Void>>() {
        public Future<Void> call(final TracerContext context) throws Exception {
            return executor.submit(
                tracer.wrap("Getting Book", new Traceable<Void>() {
                    public Void call(final TracerContext context) throws Exception {
                        // Simulating a processing delay of 50ms
                                new Book("Apache CXF Web Service Development", "Naveen Balani, Rajeev Hathi")
                        return null;

The actual invocation of the request by the client (with process name jaxrsclient/ and consequent invocation of the service on the server side (process name jaxrsserver/ is going to generate the following sample traces:

Image Added

Example #7: Client and Server with asynchronous invocation (client-side)


Future Work