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You configure the swagger in the web.xml as shown below:

Code Block
  <!-- to setup Camel Swagger api servlet when using Spring -->
     <!-- Camel 2.15 onwards -->

      <!-- we specify the base.path using relative notation, that means the actual path will be calculated at runtime as
           http://server:port/contextpath/rest -->
      <!-- we specify the api.path using relative notation, that means the actual path will be calculated at runtime as
           http://server:port/contextpath/api-docs -->

      <param-value>User Services</param-value>
      <param-value>Camel Rest Example with Swagger that provides an User REST service</param-value>

  <!-- swagger api declaration -->

Using Swagger in rest-dsl

You can enable the swagger api from the rest-dsl by configuring the apiContextPath dsl as shown below:

Code Block
public class UserRouteBuilder extends RouteBuilder {
    public void configure() throws Exception {
        // configure we want to use servlet as the component for the rest DSL
        // and we enable json binding mode
            // and output using pretty print
            .dataFormatProperty("prettyPrint", "true")
            // setup context path and port number that netty will use
            // add swagger api-doc out of the box
                .apiProperty("api.title", "User API").apiProperty("api.version", "1.2.3")
                // and enable CORS
                .apiProperty("cors", "true");

        // this user REST service is json only
        rest("/user").description("User rest service")
            .get("/{id}").description("Find user by id").outType(User.class)
                .param().name("id").type(path).description("The id of the user to get").dataType("int").endParam()
            .put().description("Updates or create a user").type(User.class)
                .param().name("body").type(body).description("The user to update or create").endParam()
            .get("/findAll").description("Find all users").outTypeList(User.class)



The swagger module can be configured using the following options. To configure using a servlet you use the init-param as shown above. When configuring directly in the rest-dsl, you use the apiProperty dsl.


When contextIdListing is enabled then its detecting all the running CamelContexts in the same JVM. These contexts are listed in the root path, eg `/api-docs` as a simple list of names in json format. To access the swagger documentation then the context-path must be appended with the Camel context id, such as `api-docs/myCamel`. The option apiContextIdPattern can be used to filter the names in this list. 


In the Apache Camel distribution we ship the camel-example-swagger-cdi and camel-example-swagger-java which demonstrates using this Swagger component.
