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本页面描述如何配置 Trafodion Scanner。



Trafodion Scanner 检查群集这些属性,如会导致安装出现问题,运行时的性能出现问题等。此外,各种收集系统信息供将来参考,如帮助进行故障排除。


在Trafodion安装开始时Trafodion Scanner由 trafodion_install 脚本自动调用。如果Scanner发现任何错误的配置,“Trafodion _install”脚本将会中止。您需要修复这些错误配置然后新运行 trafodion_install 脚本。


""注意:""如果需要可以通过给trafodion_install脚本指定 --no_scanner参数来禁止自动检查:./trafodion_install --no_scanner。比如在一个非标准的集群环境中安装,在这种情况下Scanner发现的错误会阻止安装过程的进行。


Trafodion Scanner可能需要几分钟才能完成,取决于大小和速度的您的群集。它分两个阶段执行:


  1. 检查集群基本先决条件。这一阶段验证以下一组基本的先决条件。如果检测到问题,则会报告错误。你将需要 Trafodion 安装在继续之前更正任何这样的错误。
    • 所有指定的节点可以通过访问无密码 ssh。
    • 运行此脚本的用户有权访问充分使用 sudo,和它正确配置在所有指定的节点上
  2. 收集系统信息,并检查群集配置。 这一阶段执行的配置记录命令,以及在 配置文件中指定的配置和一致性检查。当它完成时,您将看到一条类似于此的消息:
    ******* SUMMARY *******
    Completed Execution on 4 nodes: node1 node2 node3 node4
      node2 - All checks PASSED
      node1, node3 - YumAndInternetConnection check FAILED [warning]
      node4 - HardwarePlatform check FAILED [error], MinNumCores check FAILED [warning]
    Additional details in log file: /var/log/trafodion/trafodion_scanner_2015-05-01-18-40-21.log
    • If any checks FAILED with [error], it is required that you correct the relevant cluster attributes before continuing with the Trafodion installation. For example, the sample output above shows that the HardwarePlatform check failed with [error] on node4.
    • If any checks FAILED with [warning], it is recommended that you correct the relevant cluster attributes before continuing with the Trafodion installation. For example, the sample output above shows that the YumAndInternetConnection check failed with [warning] on node1 and node3 and that the MinNumCores check failed with [warning] on node4.

    You can find the specific details about each check failure in the Scanner log file trafodion_scanner_<timestamp>.log (the name and fully qualified path of the log file is displayed at the end of Scanner execution, as shown in the example above). You can search the log file using the name of the check that failed, for example, "HardwarePlatform". Also, you may find it helpful to read the check descriptions and notes for Cluster Configuration Checking andCluster Consistency Checking.


Manual Invocation


The Trafodion Scanner can be invoked manually, at any time. For example, you can run it after making adjustments to your cluster, to verify that no configuration issues are present. Here are the steps:


IMPORTANT: These steps should be done on the same node where you ran the trafodion_install script. Login with the same User ID that was used to run the trafodion_install script (enabled with sudo and passwordless ssh access to all nodes of the cluster).


  1. Change to the installer tools directory:
    cd $HOME/trafodion_downloads/installer/tools
  2. Run the trafodion_scanner script. You don't need to specify any parameters. The trafodion_scanner script automatically uses the cluster information collected by the trafodion_install script. If the needed information is not available, you will be prompted to enter it.


Trafodion Scanner 配置文件


默认的 Trafodion Scanner配置文件是 $HOME/trafodion_downloads/installer/tools/trafodion_scanner.cfg ' '。文件开头注释部分解释了配置文件的规范格式。规范共有三个部分 配置记录配置检查、 和 一致性检查。(这里的配置指系统配置而不是)。如下是各部分详细介绍。
