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Install MADlib

Please refer to the Installation Guide for MADlib on how to install from binaries, as well as step-by-step descriptions on how to compile from source.


  1. The sample data set and an introduction to logistic regression are located here.

    The MADlib function used in this example is described in the MADlib logistic regression documentation.

    Suppose that we are working with doctors on heart attack patients. The dependent variable in the data set is whether the patient has had a second heart attack within 1 year (yes = 1). We have two independent variables: one is whether the patient completed a treatment on anger control (yes=1). The other is a score on a trait anxiety scale (a higher score means more anxious).

    The idea is to train a model using labeled data, then use this model to predict second heart attack occurrence for other patients.
  2. To interact with the data using MADlib, use the standard psql terminal provided by database. You could also use a tool like pgAdmin

    In this example, we launch psql and create the following training data table:

    Code Block
                           second_attack INTEGER,
                           treatment INTEGER,
                           trait_anxiety INTEGER);
          1 |             1 |         1 |            70
          3 |             1 |         1 |            50
          5 |             1 |         0 |            40
          7 |             1 |         0 |            75
          9 |             1 |         0 |            70
         11 |             0 |         1 |            65
         13 |             0 |         1 |            45
         15 |             0 |         1 |            40
         17 |             0 |         0 |            55
         19 |             0 |         0 |            50
          2 |             1 |         1 |            80
          4 |             1 |         0 |            60
          6 |             1 |         0 |            65
          8 |             1 |         0 |            80
         10 |             1 |         0 |            60
         12 |             0 |         1 |            50
         14 |             0 |         1 |            35
         16 |             0 |         1 |            50
         18 |             0 |         0 |            45
         20 |             0 |         0 |            60
  3. Call MADlib built-in function to train a classification model using the training data table as input:

    Code Block
    SELECT madlib.logregr_train( 
        'patients',                                 -- source table
        'patients_logregr',                         -- output table
        'second_attack',                            -- labels
        'ARRAY[1, treatment, trait_anxiety]',       -- features
        NULL,                                       -- grouping columns
        20,                                         -- max number of iteration
        'irls'                                      -- optimizer


  4. View the model that has just been trained:

    Code Block
       -- Set extended display on for easier reading of output
        \x on
        SELECT * from patients_logregr;
        -- ************ --
        --    Result    --
        -- ************ --
        coef                     | [-6.36346994178187, -1.02410605239327, 0.119044916668606]
        log_likelihood           | -9.41018298389
        std_err                  | [3.21389766375094, 1.17107844860319, 0.0549790458269309]
        z_stats                  | [-1.97998524145759, -0.874498248699549, 2.16527796868918]
        p_values                 | [0.0477051870698128, 0.38184697353045, 0.0303664045046168]
        odds_ratios              | [0.0017233763092323, 0.359117354054954, 1.12642051220895]
        condition_no             | 326.081922792
        num_rows_processed       | 20
        num_missing_rows_skipped | 0
        num_iterations           | 5
        variance_covariance      | [[10.3291381930637, -0.47430466519573, -0.171995901260052], [-0.47430466519573, 1.37142473278285, -0.00119520703381598], [-0.171995901260052, -0.00119520703381598, 0.00302269548003977]]
        -- Alternatively, unnest the arrays in the results for easier reading of output:
        \x off
        SELECT unnest(array['intercept', 'treatment', 'trait_anxiety']) as attribute,
               unnest(coef) as coefficient,
               unnest(std_err) as standard_error,
               unnest(z_stats) as z_stat,
               unnest(p_values) as pvalue,
               unnest(odds_ratios) as odds_ratio
        FROM patients_logregr;
        -- ************ --
        --    Result    --
        -- ************ --
        | attribute     |   coefficient |   standard_error |    z_stat |    pvalue |   odds_ratio |
        | intercept     |     -6.36347  |         3.2139   | -1.97999  | 0.0477052 |   0.00172338 |
        | treatment     |     -1.02411  |         1.17108  | -0.874498 | 0.381847  |   0.359117   |
        | trait_anxiety |      0.119045 |         0.054979 |  2.16528  | 0.0303664 |   1.12642    |


  5. Now use the model to predict the dependent variable (second heart attack within 1 year) using the logistic regression model. For the purpose of demonstration, we will use the original data table to perform the prediction. Typically a different test dataset with the same features as the original training dataset would be used for prediction.

    Code Block
        \x off
        -- Display prediction value along with the original value
        SELECT, madlib.logregr_predict(coef, ARRAY[1, treatment, trait_anxiety]),
        FROM patients p, patients_logregr m
        ORDER BY;
        -- ************ --
        --    Result    --
        -- ************ --
        |   id | logregr_predict   |   second_attack |
        |    1 | True              |               1 |
        |    2 | True              |               1 |
        |    3 | False             |               1 |
        |    4 | True              |               1 |
        |    5 | False             |               1 |
        |    6 | True              |               1 |
        |    7 | True              |               1 |
        |    8 | True              |               1 |
        |    9 | True              |               1 |
        |   10 | True              |               1 |
        |   11 | True              |               0 |
        |   12 | False             |               0 |
        |   13 | False             |               0 |
        |   14 | False             |               0 |
        |   15 | False             |               0 |
        |   16 | False             |               0 |
        |   17 | True              |               0 |
        |   18 | False             |               0 |
        |   19 | False             |               0 |
        |   20 | True              |               0 |
        -- Predicting the probability of the dependent variable being TRUE.
        \x off
        -- Display prediction value along with the original value
        SELECT, madlib.logregr_predict_prob(coef, ARRAY[1, treatment, trait_anxiety])
        FROM patients p, patients_logregr m
        ORDER BY;
        -- ************ --
        --    Result    --
        -- ************ --
        |   id |   logregr_predict_prob |
        |    1 |              0.720223  |
        |    2 |              0.894355  |
        |    3 |              0.19227   |
        |    4 |              0.685513  |
        |    5 |              0.167748  |
        |    6 |              0.798098  |
        |    7 |              0.928568  |
        |    8 |              0.959306  |
        |    9 |              0.877576  |
        |   10 |              0.685513  |
        |   11 |              0.586701  |
        |   12 |              0.19227   |
        |   13 |              0.116032  |
        |   14 |              0.0383829 |
        |   15 |              0.0674976 |
        |   16 |              0.19227   |
        |   17 |              0.545871  |
        |   18 |              0.267675  |
        |   19 |              0.398619  |
        |   20 |              0.685513  |
