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  1. register the module
  2. define the sql functions
  3. implement the functions in C++
  4. register the C++ header files

1. Register the module

Add the following line to the file called Modules.yml under ./src/config/ yaml

Code Block
- name: hello_world

and create two folders: ./src/ports/postgres/modules/hello_world and ./src/modules/hello_world. The names of the folders need to match the name of the module specified in Modules.yml.

2. Define the SQL functions

Create file avg_var.sql_in under folder ./src/ports/postgres/modules/hello_world. Inside this file we define the aggregate function and other helper functions for computing mean and variance. The actual implementations of those functions will be in separate C++ files which we will describe in the next section.


We define the aggregate function avg_var using built-in PostgreSQL command CREATE AGGREGATE.

Code Block
    STYPE=double precision[],
    m4_ifdef(`__POSTGRESQL__', `', `PREFUNC=MADLIB_SCHEMA.avg_var_merge_states,')
    INITCOND='{0, 0, 0}'

We also define parameters passed to CREATE AGGREGATE:


The transition, merge, and final functions are defined in the same file avg_var.sql_in as the aggregate function. More details about those functions can be found in the PostgreSQL documentation.

3. Implement the functions in C++

Create the header and the source files, avg_var.hpp and avg_var.cpp, under the folder ./src/modules/hello_world. In the header file we declare the transition, merge and final functions using the macro DECLARE_UDF(MODULE, NAME). For example, the transition function avg_var_transition is declared as DECLARE_UDF(hello_world, avg_var_transition). The macro DECLARE_UDF is defined in the file dbconnector.hpp under ./src/ports/postgres/dbconnector.

Under the hood, each of the three UDFs is declared as a subclass of dbconnector::postgres::UDF. The behavior of those UDFs is solely determined by its member functionc++ AnyType

Code Block
AnyType run(AnyType &args);

In other words, we only need to implement the following methods in the avg_var.cpp file:c++ AnyType

Code Block
AnyType avg_var_transition::run(AnyType& args);
AnyType avg_var_merge_states::run(AnyType& args);
AnyType avg_var_final::run(AnyType& args);

Here the AnyType class works for both passing data from the DBMS to the C++ function, as well as returning values back from C++. Refer to TypeTraits_impl.hpp for more details.#####

Transition function

c++ AnyType avgvartransition::run(AnyType& args) {// get current state value AvgVarTransitionState<MutableArrayHandle<double> > state = args[0]; // get current row value double x = args[1].getAs<double>(); double d = (x - state.avg);

// online update mean
    state.avg += d / static_cast<double>(state.numRows + 1);
    double new_d = (x - state.avg);
    double a = static_cast<double>(state.numRows) / static_cast<double>(state.numRows + 1);

    // online update variance
    state.var = state.var * a + d * new_d / static_cast<double>(state.numRows + 1);
    state.numRows ++;
    return state;


Code Block
avgvartransition::run(AnyType& args) {
	// get current state value 
	AvgVarTransitionState<MutableArrayHandle<double> > state = args[0]; 
	// get current row value 
	double x = args[1].getAs<double>(); 
	double d = (x - state.avg);

	// online update mean
    state.avg += d / static_cast<double>(state.numRows + 1);
    double new_d = (x - state.avg);
    double a = static_cast<double>(state.numRows) / static_cast<double>(state.numRows + 1);

    // online update variance
    state.var = state.var * a + d * new_d / static_cast<double>(state.numRows + 1);
    state.numRows ++;
    return state;


- there are two arguments for avg_var_transition, as specified in avg_var.sql_ - there are two arguments foravgvartransition, as specified inavgvar.sqlin. The first one is an array of SQL double type, corresponding to the current mean, variance, and number of rows traversed and the second one is a double representing the current tuple value.


- we will describe classAvgVarTransitionStatelater. Basically it takesargs[0]`, a SQL double array, passes the data to the appropriate C++ types and stores them in the state instance.

- both the mean and the variance are updated in an online manner to avoid accumulating large intermediate sum.

Merge function

avg_var_merge_states::run(AnyType& args) {
    AvgVarTransitionState<MutableArrayHandle<double> > stateLeft = args[0];
    AvgVarTransitionState<ArrayHandle<double> > stateRight = args[1];

    // Merge states together and return
    stateLeft += stateRight;
    return stateLeft;
  • again, the arguments contained in AnyType& args are defined in avg_var.sql_in.
  • the details are hidden in method of class AvgVarTransitionState which overloads the operator +=

Final function

avg_var_final::run(AnyType& args) {
    AvgVarTransitionState<MutableArrayHandle<double> > state = args[0];

    // If we haven't seen any data, just return Null. This is the standard
    // behavior of aggregate function on empty data sets (compare, e.g.,
    // how PostgreSQL handles sum or avg on empty inputs)
    if (state.numRows == 0)
        return Null();

    return state;
