Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
git fetch origin --prune
git checkout developmaster
git pull

Please remember to keep BOM subproject in sync - <struts-version.version>X.X.X</struts-version.version> - must be the same as the parent pom.

Create a release branch

Code Block
git flow release start X.X.X.X

Now you should be on release/X.X.X.X branch (git status supposed to confirm that).

The latest Maven version handles this case very well but it's worth checking if the bits are in sync.

Prepare release

Tag the release by using the "release:prepare" goal of Maven:


Send a short e-mail to dev@struts.a.o informing about the new packages and to give people enough time to test the distribution (actual bits). Wait around a week before posting Vote. If no show-stoppers reported, start a vote thread for build quality designation.

Clean up repository

It doesn't matter if the bits will be accepted or not, development continues (smile) Switch to release/X.X.X.X branch and execute the below command:

Code Block
git flow release finish -n X.X.X.X

-n option is need to avoid tagging the release, the Maven Release plugin did that already.

Now both master and develop branches should be up to date with the changes introduced by the release. As Maven bumps version and also prepares for next development cycle, but do this on the same branch (or rather maven-release-plugin knows nothing about git-flow and branching), after finishing the release you must manually update actual version in the master branch - without this

Code Block
git checkout master
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=X.X.X.X -DgenerateBackupPoms=false
git commit -m "Sets proper released version"
git push
git checkout develop

Now the master branch has a proper version - it isn't the best solution and if you have better please let me know!

Push changes

Do not forget to push your local changes to the Apache repo

Code Block
git push
Do not remove the tag! It clearly indicates what was planned and it can be used as a history marker. Always used the next version number, do not redeploy the same version as it breaks Maven's policy and you will have to manually clean up Maven repository.

Vote on it

Post a release/quality vote to the dev list (and only the dev list). The example mail is on Sample announcements page. If the vote result is for an ASF release (i.e. not test build), update site, announce. If the vote result is for GA, push to central.
