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The PasswordInputBead is fairly simple: it just changes the type of input control using the built-in input control's property (displayAsPassword for ActionScript and type = 'password' for JavaScript). If you want the bead to do more, you can have the bead listen to events and take its own actions. Here is the valueChangedHandler for a bead that restricts input to be numeric and makes sure the text being entered is valid.

Code Block
// actionscript
private var _decimalSeparator:String = ".";
public function get decimalSeparator():String
    return _decimalSeparator;
public function set decimalSeparator(value:String):void
    if (_decimalSeparator != value) {
        _decimalSeparator = value;
private function viewChangeHandler(event:Event):void
    // get the ITextFieldView bead, which is required for this bead to work
    var textView:ITextFieldView = _strand.getBeadByType(ITextFieldView) as ITextFieldView;
    if (textView) {
        COMPILE::AS3 {
            var textField:CSSTextField = textView.textField;
            textField.restrict = "0-9" + decimalSeparator;

            // listen for changes to this textField and prevent non-numeric values, such
            // as 34.09.94
        COMPILE::AS3 {
            textField.addEventListener(TextEvent.TEXT_INPUT, handleTextInput);
        COMPILE::JS {
            var host:UIBase  textField.addEventListener('keypress', validateInput);
= _strand as UIBase;
            var }
e:HTMLInputElement = host.element as }
            e.addEventListener('keypress', validateInput);

Like the PasswordInputBead, this bead's viewChangeHandler, uses a the ActionScript platform uses a special property of the TextField to restrict the input to numerals and a decimal separator (a property on this bead). While the restrict property of the TextField does limit input to those characters, it does not prevent those characters from repeating. That is, you can enter "" which, of course, is not a valid number.


The JavaScript version of this bead works similarly to the JavaScript PasswordInputBead where you set things up in the strand setter and listen for the appropriate event, a keypress event in this case as shown in the COMPILE::JS code block.

Unlike ActionScript, JavaScript input elements (prior to HTML 5) do not have any way to restrict input characters, so you have to do that yourself, which is done in the validateInput() event handler:


  • Most beads use their strand for their UI parent. Beads can make or use other components or visual parts, then they add them to their strand’s display list.
  • Try to use interfaces whenever possible. This keeps implementation code separate and lets modules work better.
  • Use the paradigm of separation of concerns as much as possible. That is, do not have beads do more than necessary and separate functions into multiple beads. Very often a component will have one bead for the visual display (a view bead), one bead to hold its data (a model bead), and one bead to handle user interactions (a control bead). This allows a developer to swap out beads as necessary. For example, a mobile developer might want to replace the Slider's mouse controller bead with a touch controller bead: the component's other parts (track, thumb, model, etc.) remain the same.

Making a Component


In the previous example, a new bead was created and added to an existing bead. These steps show you how to make a new component. Remember that components are usually made up of a model bead, a view bead, and a control bead, but this depends on what the component does.


When you write your own controllers you can follow the same pattern: translate events to model values and update the model. The view bead(s) should be listening for those changes.

Making a Component - JavaScript

This example uses the same component, Slider, but looks at how to do this in JavaScript.

Some FlexJS JavaScript components may have less parts then their ActionScript counterparts, but this is largely due to the fact that the environment, HTML, has a lot to offer and FlexJS components strive to be as efficient as possible. The JavaScript Slider component does mimic the ActionScript component pretty closely, mainly because there is no HTML slider.

The FlexJS JavaScript Slider component has the following parts:

Slider.js: This is the strand piece and creates the base HTML element (a <div>) for the other parts to use as their parent element. This is similar to the ActionScript Slider strand which is the display list for its parts. Both the JavaScript and ActionScript Slider classes extend UIBase. The big difference is that the ActionScript UIBase creates the display list while the JavaScript UIBase only provides the core functions of a strand, leaving the base element up to the component strand. Like its ActionScript counterpart, the JavaScript slider also provides the setters and getters for the properties that are stored in its model.


At this time there is no JavaScript complement to ValuesManager. In other words, beads are set or selected for a component via CSS; this is still on the task list for FlexJS. Beads are explicitly named and applied in the main strand code.

RangeModel.js: This is a bead that provides the data model, including the minimum, maximum, and current values that the Slider is representing. Changes to the model cause events to be dispatched just as they are in the ActionScript version.

SliderTrackView.js: This is a bead that provides the track piece.

SliderThumbView.js: This is a bead that provides the thumb piece.

SliderMouseController.js: Just like its ActionScript counterpart, the JavaScript SliderMouseController detects the mouse clicks and drags as events and updates the model. Any component you write that accepts keyboard and/or mouse and/or touch input should have a controller to handle those events.

Slider (strand)

If you open Slider.js and look at the set_element() function, you'll see that it creates its base element (a <div>) and then creates the track and thumb beads (corresponding SliderTrackView and SliderThumbView JavaScript classes).
