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  • New Application Features
    • Data inspection: We've greatly enhanced the ability to interact with data and inspect it as it is flowing through NiFi. 
  • Things to make NiFi Development Better and Easier
    • State Management: As many developers are aware, keeping state in a Processor was often "up to you".  This extension to the framework addresses this by adding state management as a core feature. In addition, many existing processors which kept state were modified to take advantage of this new capability. 
    • Testing Improvements: We've improved the performance of many unit tests,  added support for groovy for unit tests, the ability to test in unit tests, as well as better support for integration testing Unit Test Improvements
  • Improvements to Existing Capabilities
    • RELP Support for Syslog: In addition to adding support for RELP (Reliable Event Logging Protocol) for transporting syslog messages, emphasis was put on improving the framework to enable even more extensions in future releases. 
    • S3 Improvements: We've pushed past the 5G max upload limitation of the previous PutS3Object processor by adding Multipart Upload support. Additionally, we added a couple authorization capabilities, like expression language support for keys, and an exciting new controller service created initially for fetching from buckets access across accounts.
    • Hive Support to Kite Bundle: The Kite bundle now supports sending data directly into Hive tables
    • Encryption: A broad set of enhancements were made to improve encryption.Encryption
  • New Extensions
    • Script Execution: We've dramatically enhanced the ability to operate on data flowing through NiFi by adding support for launching scripts in a flow. We added a broad set of scripting languages - you can launch JRuby, Groovy, JavaScript, Lua, or Jython scripts with access to FlowFile data, which will allow much more dynamism and quick reaction capability in your data flows.
    • Support for sending Riemann Events: NiFi now supports sending events to the Riemann event stream processing system. 
    • Elasticsearch: Connectivity to the popular search engine was added to this releaseElasticSearch
    • Avro Schema Inference : Support was added allowing the inference of an Avro schema from JSON and CSV data flowing through NiFi.
    • AMQP support: NiFi now supports sending and receiving from AMQP AQMP (Advanced Message Queueing Protocol) supportbased messaging systems

A full list of issues that were resolved can be found at
