Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.


Similarly, the @Default qualifier can be used to observe Camel events for the default Camel context if multiples contexts exist, e.g.:


Code Block
void onExchangeCompleted(@Observes @Default ExchangeCompletedEvent event) {
    // Called after the exchange 'event.getExchange()' processing has completed

In that example, if no qualifier is specified, the @Any qualifier is implicitly assumed, so that corresponding events for all the Camel contexts get received.


This is equivalent to writing:


Code Block
Event<String> event;

from("direct:event").process(new Processor() {
    public void process(Exchange exchange) {;
}).log("CDI event sent: ${body}");

Or using a Java 8 lambda expression:

Code Block
Event<String> event;

    .process(exchange ->
    .log("CDI event sent: ${body}");

The type variable T (resp. the qualifiers) of a particular CdiEventEndpoint<T> injection point are automatically translated into the parameterized event type (resp. into the event qualifiers) e.g.:


With the authority PayloadType (resp. the QualifierType) being the URI escaped fully qualified name of the payload (resp. qualifier) raw type followed by the type parameters section delimited by angle brackets for payload parameterized type. Which leads to unfriendly URIs, e.g.:

Code Block


Configuration properties


Camel bean integration


Auto-configured OSGi integration


The Camel context beans are automatically adapted by Camel CDI so that they are registered as OSGi services and the various resolvers (like ComponentResolver and DataFormatResolver) integrate with the OSGi registry. That means that the Karaf Camel commands can be used to operate the Camel contexts auto-configured by Camel CDI, e.g.:

Code Block
karaf@root()> camel:context-list
 Context        Status              Total #       Failed #     Inflight #   Uptime        
 -------        ------              -------       --------     ----------   ------        
 camel-cdi      Started                   1              0              0   1 minute  

Supported containers

The Camel CDI component is compatible with any CDI 1.0, CDI 1.1 and CDI 1.2 compliant runtime. It's been successfully tested against the following runtimes:
