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The Camel CDI component provides auto-configuration for Apache Camel using CDI as dependency injection framework based on convention-over-configuration. It auto-detects Camel routes available in the application and provides beans for common Camel primitives like EndpointProducerTemplate or TypeConverter. It implements standard Camel bean integration so that Camel annotations like @Consume@Produce and @PropertyInject can be used seamlessly in CDI beans. Besides, it bridges Camel events (e.g. RouteAddedEvent, CamelContextStartedEvent or ExchangeCompletedEventExchangeCompletedEvent, ...) as CDI events and provides a CDI events endpoint that can be used to consume / produce CDI events from / to Camel routes.


Multiple Camel contexts support

Any number of CamelContext beans can actually be declared in the application as documented above. In that case, the CDI qualifiers declared on these CamelContext beans are used to bind the Camel routes and other Camel primitives to the corresponding Camel contexts. From example, if the following beans get declared:

Code Block
class FooCamelContext extends DefaultCamelContext {

class BarCamelContext extends DefaultCamelContext {
class RouteAdddedToFooContext extends RoutesBuilder {
    public void configure() {
        // ...
class RouteAdddedToBarContext extends RoutesBuilder {
    public void configure() {
        // ...
class RouteAdddedToBazContext extends RoutesBuilder {
    public void configure() {
        // ...
class RouteNotAddedToAnyContext extends RoutesBuilder {
    public void configure() {
        // ...

The RoutesBuilder beans qualified with @ContextName get added to the corresponding CamelContext beans. If no such CamelContext bean exists, it gets automatically added by Camel CDI, as for the RouteAdddedToBazContext bean. This only happens for the @ContextName qualifier provided by Camel CDI. Hence the RouteNotAddedToAnyContext bean qualified with the user-defined @MyQualifier qualifier does not get added to any Camel contexts. That may be useful for Camel routes that may be required to be added later during the application execution.

Configuration properties

To configure the sourcing of the configuration properties used by Camel to resolve properties placeholders, you can declare a PropertiesComponent bean qualified with @Named("properties"), e.g.:
