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Note that you can declare as many RoutesBuilder beans as you want. Besides, RouteContainer beans are also automatically collected, instantiated and added to the CamelContext bean instance managed by Camel CDI when the container initialises.


Auto-configured Camel primitives

Camel CDI provides beans for common Camel primitives that can be injected in any CDI beans, e.g.:

Code Block
ProducerTemplate producerTemplate;

MockEndpoint outbound; // URI defaults to the member name, i.e. mock:outbound

Endpoint endpoint;

TypeConverter converter;

Camel context configuration

If you just want to change the name of the default CamelContext bean, you can used the @ContextName qualifier provided by Camel CDI, e.g.:


Code Block
class ManualStartupCamelContext extends DefaultCamelContext {

    void manual() {

Multiple Camel contexts


Any number of CamelContext beans can actually be declared in the application as documented above. In that case, the CDI qualifiers declared on these CamelContext beans are used to bind the Camel routes and other Camel primitives to the corresponding Camel contexts. From example, if the following beans get declared:


The RoutesBuilder beans qualified with @ContextName get are automatically added to the corresponding CamelContext beans by Camel CDI. If no such CamelContext bean exists, it gets automatically added by Camel CDIcreated, as for the RouteAdddedToBazCamelContext RouteAddedToBazCamelContext bean. Note this only happens for the @ContextName qualifier provided by Camel CDI. Hence the RouteNotAddedToAnyCamelContext bean qualified with the user-defined @MyOtherQualifier qualifier does not get added to any Camel contexts. That may be useful, for example, for Camel routes that may be required to be added later during the application execution.


Code Block
PropertiesComponent properties(PropertiesParser parser) {
    PropertiesComponent component = new PropertiesComponent();
    return component;

// PropertiesParser bean that uses DeltaSpike to resolve properties
static class DeltaSpikeParser extends DefaultPropertiesParser {
    public String parseProperty(String key, String value, Properties properties) {
        return ConfigResolver.getPropertyValue(key);

You can see the camel-example-cdi-properties example for a working example of a Camel CDI application using DeltaSpike configuration mechanism.

Auto-configured type converters


Code Block
class MyBeanMyNamedBean {


Code Block
CdiEventEndpoint<List<String>> cdiEventEndpoint;
// Only observes / consumes events having the @ContextName("foo") qualifier
from(cdiEventEndpoint).log("Camel context '(foo') > CDI event received: ${body}");
// Produces / fires events with the @ContextName("foo") qualifier

void observeCdiEvents(@Observes @ContextName("foo") List<String> event) {"Camel context '(foo') > CDI event: {}", event);


  • camel-example-cdi-metrics - illustrates the integration between Camel, Dropwizard Metrics and CDI,
  • camel-example-cdi-properties - illustrates the integration between Camel, DeltaSpike and CDI for configuration properties,
  • camel-example-cdi-osgi - a CDI application using the SJMS component that can be executed inside an OSGi container using PAX CDI,
  • camel-example-cdi-rest-servlet - illustrates the Camel REST DSL being used in a Web application that uses CDI as dependency injection framework,
  • camel-example-widget-gadget-cdi - The the Widget and Gadget use-case from the EIP book implemented in Java with CDI dependency Injection,
  • camel-example-swagger-cdi - an example using REST DSL and Swagger Java with CDI.

See Also