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Folks Users of Kafka have created dozens of different systems to work with Kafka. If we can provide Providing a wire protocol that allows the brokers to execute administrative code then clients can more simply execute commands. We have a lot of ties with zookeeper making it near impossible for some code to-do nothing better/more than shell script wrapping etc. With the wire protocol we should be able to have client in any language work with administrating Kafka. If someone wants a REST interface (for example) then can write that in whatever language they like. We should have a client from the project that is not only an example but a fully functionality replacement for the kafka-topics, reassign-partitions, consumer offset tools.

Public Interfaces

  • Changes to Wire Protocol:

 -   Extending protocol with these messages: CreateTopic(Request | Response), AlterTopic, DeleteTopic

 code and public api/client has many benefits including:

  • Allows clients in any language to administrate Kafka
    • Wire protocol is supported by any language
  • Provides public client for performing admin operations
    • Ensures integration test code in other projects and clients maintains compatibility
    • Prevents users from needing to use the Command classes and work around standard output and system exits
  • Removing the need for admin scripts (,, etc) to talk directly to Zookeeper. 
    • Allows ZNodes to be completely locked down via ACLs
    • Further hides the Zookeeper details of Kafka

Public Interfaces

  • Changes to Wire Protocol:
    • Adds the following new Request/Response messages:
      • CreateTopic
      • AlterTopic
      • DeleteTopic
      • ListAcls
      • AlterAcls
      • DescribeConfig
      • AlterConfig
    • Modifies Metadata Response to allowing polling for in-progress or complete admin operations. Added fields include:
  • New Java New client: AdminClient - a Wire Protocol client for administrative operationsNew CLI tool: Kafka Shell - a single unified command line interface for administrative operations
