Versions Compared


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  1. Wire protocol additions and changes
  2. Server-side message handlers and authorization
  3. New Java AdminClient implementation

  4. Refactor admin scripts and code to use new client where appropriate

Follow Up Changes

Changes that should be done shortly after or are enabled by this KIP included:

  • Review privileges for listing and altering ACLs to be more fine grained.
  • Provide an Authorizer interface using the new Java classes used by the ACL requests/responses
    • Deprecate the old one to encourage transition



1. Wire Protocol Extensions


New Protocol Errors

It is proposed to use existing / add these error codes to the protocol.



TopicAlreadyExistsTopic with this name already exists.Create
InvalidTopic (existing)Topic name contains invalid characters or doesn't exist.Create, Alter, Delete
InvalidPartitionsPartitions field is invalid (e.g. negative or increasing number of partitions in existing topic)Create, Alter
InvalidReplicationFactorReplicationFactor field is invalid (e.g. negative)Create, Alter
InvalidReplicaAssignmentReplicaAssignment field is invalid (e.g. contains duplicates)

Create, Alter


Either topic-level config setting or value is incorrect.

DecreasePartitionsNotAllowedInvalid Partitions argument: decreasing partitions is prohibited when altering topic.Alter
ReassignPartitionsInProgressReassign partitions procedure has been already started.Alter

Generally, a client should have enough context to provide descriptive error message.

The same notation as in  A Guide To The Kafka Protocol is used here. 

ACL Admin Schema

List ACLs Request


ListAclsRequest => principal resource 
  resource => resource_type resource_name 
    resource_type => INT8
    resource_name => STRING
  principal => NULLABLE_STRING
Request semantics:
  1. Can be sent to any broker
  2. If a non-null principal is provided the returned ACLs will be filtered by that principle, otherwise ACLs for all principals will be listed. 
  3. If a resource with a resource_type != -1 is provided ACLs will be filtered by that resource, otherwise ACLs for all resources will be listed.
  4. Any principle can list their own ACLs where the permission type is "Allow", Otherwise the principle must be authorized to the "All" Operation on the "Cluster" resource to list ACLs.
    • Unauthorized requests will receive a ClusterAuthorizationException
    • This will be reviewed as a follow up ACLs review after this KIP. See Follow Up Changes.
List ACLs Response


ListAclsResponse => [responses] error_code 
responses => resource [acls] resource => resource_type resource_name resource_type => INT8 resource_name => STRING acls => acl_principle acl_permission_type acl_host acl_operation acl_principle => STRING acl_permission_type => INT8 acl_host => STRING acl_operation => INT8 error_code => INT16
Alter ACLs Request


AlterAclsRequest => ...
Request semantics:
  1. Can be sent to any broker
  2. If a non-null principal is provided the returned ACLs will be filtered by that principle, otherwise ACLs for all principals will be listed. 
  3. If a resource with a resource_type != -1 is provided ACLs will be filtered by that resource, otherwise ACLs for all resources will be listed.
  4. The principle must be authorized to the "All" Operation on the "Cluster" resource to alter ACLs.
    • Unauthorized requests will receive a ClusterAuthorizationException
    • This will be reviewed as a follow up ACLs review after this KIP. See Follow Up Changes.
Alter ACLs Response


AlterAclsResponse => ...


Topic Admin Schema

Create Topic Request
