Versions Compared


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1a Check that Checksums are valid

There are three sources of checksums: (1) the VOTE email, (2) the release candidate .zip file, and (3) the checksum files (.md5 and .sha1) downloaded at the same time as the release candidate.

You can verify the checksums using a command line interface or a utility. Both methods are described below.

Command Check using the command line interface

To generate checksums, navigate to the directory containing the .zip file and run the CertUtil command. The default gives you the SHA1 checksum. Append SHA512 and MD5, as shown below, to generate those checksums. Is the intent to make sure that the checksums from all 3 sources are identical?

CertUtil -hashfile ''


What's the best way to compare the checksums from the email and the .md5 and .sha1 files?

 Check using the MD5 and SHA Checksum Utility

When you double-click the .exe, a window opens (see below). Browse to the release candidate .zip file, and the checksums will be displayed. (Use the checkboxes to choose which checksums you want to see.) You can copy individual checksums, or use the Copy All button. At the bottom of the window, you can paste a checksum (e.g., either from the VOTE email or from the downloaded .md5 or .sha1 files) and the utility will verify the hash is the same as that from the .zip file.

MD5 and SHA Checksum Utility

1b Check that the PGP signature is valid

Each software artifact is signed using a PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) key. It is important to verify the downloaded key matches the original key used to sign the software artifact.

You can verify the signatures using a command line interface. See for some general verification info.

Command line interface

  1. Download the Taverna key file from (On Windows this can be done by typing Ctrl-S in the browser window and saving the file as keys.txt.)

  2. Import the key file into GPG:
    gpg --import keys.txt


  3. Download the .asc file

  4. Verify the .asc file matches the zipped release candidate. In general:


2 Check the commit ID matches the VOTE email

The idea here is to check that the commit ID in the downloaded file matches that in the VOTE email. You will use a command line terminal for at least some of these steps.

Approach 1 (clone the git repository, checkout the commit id, and compare to release candidate)

This approach uses Git commands to compare the downloaded release candidate to a cloned git repository. You will clone one copy and unzip the other copy in such a way that will "trick" Git into thinking you are comparing two versions that you have edited. (I'm missing part of the picture here. What is the end configuration you want before you use git status to compare files?)

  1. Make a new directory and change to that directory (e.g., mkdir 1 ; cd 1)
  2. Git clone that-repository (which repository?? from where??)
  3. Checkout the commit id from the repository you just created: git checkout <commit_id>
  4.  rm -rf* (remove a directory? I don't understand this step.)
  5. Unzip the release candidate (e.g., (into the same directory?)
  6. mv apache-taverna-"/*. (one level up) (Move the release candidate up one level? Because it zips into a new folder?) 
  7. git status

Git will then check the checksums of every file and let you know what has "changed." 

If there are NO CHANGES, then the commit ID in the VOTE email matches the release candidate.

Approach 2 (download git commit from GitHub and compare to release candidate)

This approach uses the commit id from the VOTE email to download that commit from GitHub, which is then compared to the release candidate using the diff command.

  1. Search for the git commit corresponding to the email by browsing for it on GitHub. Use a URL that follows this pattern:<hash>, where <hash> is the commit has you want to download. 
  2. Click "Download Zip" and save the file to your computer.
  3. Make a new directory, change to the new directory, and unzip the GitHub file to the new folder. (e.g., mkdir 1 ; cd 1 ; unzip <filename>.zip)
  4. Move up a directory (cd .. ) and make a second new directory (e.g., mkdir 2)
  5. Change to the second new directory (e.g., cd 2) and unzip the release candidate (e.g., unzip
  6. Move up one directory. When you do a directory listing (ls) you should see both of your new directories listed.
  7. Compare all files in the two new directories using the diff command:
    1. Linix: diff -uR 1 2
    2. Windows, GitBash: diff -r 1 2 (Windows CMD command line try FC)

The files that differ will be shown. If you do this after you build, make sure you don't have any target folders before diff-ing. (Run mvn clean to be sure.)

Again, if there are NO DIFFERENCES, then the commit ID in the VOTE email matches the release candidate.

3a Check the incubator disclaimer (INCUBATOR PROJECTS ONLY)

All Podlings must include a disclaimer indicating they are in incubation. To check a Taverna release candidate, open the DISCLAIMER file (in the top level release candidate folder) and verify the text matches the following: 

Apache Taverna is an effort undergoing incubation at the Apache Software 
Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the Apache Incubator PMC.


While incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the completeness 
or stability of the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to be
fully endorsed by the ASF.

You can use a text editor (e.g., Notepad++) or an integrated development environment (IDE), such as Eclipse, to open the DISCLAIMER files. 

3b Check the file names include "incubating"

Check the unzipped release candidate to ensure the top-level distribution folder contains the word "incubating" (Is this all that can be checked before building? See 11 below.)

4 Check the top-level LICENSE and NOTICE files
