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create role, drop role, add role to group, delete role from group, grant privilege to role, revoke privilege from role., revoke privilege.


The audit log can be configured in the

Audit log for Hive Model:

  log4j.logger.sentry.hive.authorization.ddl.logger=INFO, sentryHiveAudit

  log4j.appender.sentryHiveAudit=org.apache.sentry.provider.db.log.appender.RollingFileWithoutDeleteAppender   # set the appender class

  log4j.appender.sentryHiveAudit.File=/var/log/sentry/sentryHiveAudit.log          # set the log file location

  log4j.appender.sentryHiveAudit.MaxFileSize=5MB                                           # set the max size for the log file

  log4j.appender.sentryHiveAudit.layout= org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout         # set the layout class

  log4j.appender.sentryHiveAudit.layout.ConversionPattern=%m%n                  # set the message format

Audit log for generic model:

  log4j.logger.sentry.generic.authorization.ddl.logger=INFO, sentryGenericAudit

  log4j.appender.sentryGenericAudit.File=/var/log/sentry/sentryGenericAudit.log    # set the log file location

  log4j.appender.sentryGenericAudit.MaxFileSize=5MB                                           # set the max size for the log file

  log4j.appender.sentryGenericAudit.layout= org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout         # set the layout class

  log4j.appender.sentryGenericAudit.layout.ConversionPattern=%m%n                  # set the message format


The audit log is generated with log4j and in json format, the following are the examples for Hive model and Generic model:

Audit log for Hive model:

Create role:


 "serviceName" : "hiverServer1",


  "ipAddress" : "",

  "operation" : "GRANTCREATE_ROLE",

  "eventTime" : 1405027518637,

  "operationText" : "CREATE ROLE testRole",

  "allowed" : "true",

  "objectType" : "ROLE",

  "databaseName" : "",

  "tableName" : "",

  "columnName" : "",

  "resourcePath" : ""


Drop role:


 "serviceName" : "hiverServer1",

  "userName" : "hive",

  "impersonator" : "impersonator",

  "ipAddress" : "",

  "operation" : "DROP_ROLE",

  "eventTime" : 1405027518637,

  "operationText" : "DROP ROLE testRole "GRANT ROLE admin_role TO GROUP admin_group",

  "allowed" : "true",

  "objectType" : "ROLE",


  "columnName" : "",

  "resourcePath" : ""

  }Audit log for generic model

Add role to group:


 "serviceName" : "sentryServicehiverServer1",

  "userName" : "user1hive",

  "impersonator" : "impersonator",

  "ipAddress" : "",


  "eventTime" :  14050275186371405027518637,

  "operationText" : "GRANT ALL ON collection col TO ROLE role1ROLE testRole TO GROUP testGroup",

  "allowed" : "true",

  "objectType" : "ROLE",

  "databaseName" : "",

  "tableName" : "PRICIPLE",

  "componentcolumnName" : "SOLR",

  "collectionresourcePath" : "col "



The audit log can be configured in the

Audit log for Hive Model:

  log4j.logger.sentry.hive.authorization.ddl.logger=INFO, sentryHiveAudit

  log4j.appender.sentryHiveAudit=org.apache.sentry.provider.db.log.appender.RollingFileWithoutDeleteAppender   # set the appender class

  log4j.appender.sentryHiveAudit.File=/var/log/sentry/sentryHiveAudit.log          # set the log file location

  log4j.appender.sentryHiveAudit.MaxFileSize=5MB                                           # set the max size for the log file

  log4j.appender.sentryHiveAudit.layout= org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout         # set the layout class

  log4j.appender.sentryHiveAudit.layout.ConversionPattern=%m%n                  # set the message format

Audit log for generic model:

  log4j.logger.sentry.generic.authorization.ddl.logger=INFO, sentryGenericAudit

  log4j.appender.sentryGenericAudit.File=/var/log/sentry/sentryGenericAudit.log    # set the log file location

  log4j.appender.sentryGenericAudit.MaxFileSize=5MB                                           # set the max size for the log file

  log4j.appender.sentryGenericAudit.layout= org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout         # set the layout class

Delete role from group:


 "serviceName" : "hiverServer1",

  "userName" : "hive",

  "impersonator" : "impersonator",

  "ipAddress" : "",

  "operation" : "DELETE_ROLE_FROM_GROUP",

  "eventTime" : 1405027518637,

  "operationText" : "REVOKE ROLE testRole FROM GROUP testGroup",

  "allowed" : "true",

  "objectType" : "ROLE",

  "databaseName" : "",

  "tableName" : "",

  "columnName" : "",

  "resourcePath" : ""


Grant privilege:


 "serviceName" : "hiverServer1",

  "userName" : "hive",

  "impersonator" : "impersonator",

  "ipAddress" : "",

  "operation" : "GRANT_PRIVILEGE",

  "eventTime" : 1405027518637,

  "operationText" : "GRANT ALL ON DATABASE testDB TO ROLE testRole",

  "allowed" : "true",

  "objectType" : "PRINCIPLE",

  "databaseName" : "testDB",

  "tableName" : "",

  "columnName" : "",

  "resourcePath" : ""


Revoke privilege:


 "serviceName" : "hiverServer1",

  "userName" : "hive",

  "impersonator" : "impersonator",

  "ipAddress" : "",

  "operation" : "REVOKE_PRIVILEGE",

  "eventTime" : 1405027518637,

  "operationText" : "REVOKE ALL ON DATABASE testDB FROM ROLE testRole",

  "allowed" : "true",

  "objectType" : "PRINCIPLE",

  "databaseName" : "testDB",

  "tableName" : "",

  "columnName" : "",

  "resourcePath" : ""


Audit log for generic model:

Create role:


  "serviceName" : "sentryService",

  "userName" : "user1",

  "impersonator" : "impersonator",

  "ipAddress" : "",

  "operation" : "CREATE_ROLE",

  "eventTime" : 1405027518637,

  "operationText" : "CREATE ROLE testRole",

  "allowed" : "true",

  "objectType" : "ROLE",

  "component" : ""


Drop role:


 "serviceName" : "sentryService",

  "userName" : "user1",

  "impersonator" : "impersonator",

  "ipAddress" : "",

  "operation" : "DROP_ROLE",

  "eventTime" : 1405027518637,

  "operationText" : "DROP ROLE testRole",

  "allowed" : "true",

  "objectType" : "ROLE",

  "component" : "


Add role to group:


 "serviceName" : "sentryService",

  "userName" : "user1",

  "impersonator" : "impersonator",

  "ipAddress" : "",

  "operation" : "ADD_ROLE_TO_GROUP",

  "eventTime" : 1405027518637,

  "operationText" : "GRANT ROLE testRole TO GROUP testGroup",

  "allowed" : "true",

  "objectType" : "ROLE",

  "component" : ""


Delete role from group:


 "serviceName" : "sentryService",

  "userName" : "user1",

  "impersonator" : "impersonator",

  "ipAddress" : "",

  "operation" : "DELETE_ROLE_FROM_GROUP",

  "eventTime" : 1405027518637,

  "operationText" : "REVOKE ROLE testRole FROM GROUP testGroup",

  "allowed" : "true",

  "objectType" : "ROLE",

  "component" : ""


Grant privilege:


 "serviceName" : "sentryService",

  "userName" : "user1",

  "impersonator" : "impersonator",

  "ipAddress" : "",

  "operation" : "GRANT_PRIVILEGE",

  "eventTime" : 1405027518637,

  "operationText" : "GRANT UPDATE ON collection testCol TO ROLE testRole",

  "allowed" : "true",

  "objectType" : "PRINCIPLE",

  "collection" : "testCol ",

  "component" : "solr"


Revoke privilege:


 "serviceName" : "sentryService",

  "userName" : "user1",

  "impersonator" : "impersonator",

  "ipAddress" : "",

  "operation" : "REVOKE_PRIVILEGE",

  "eventTime" : 1405027518637,

  "operationText" : "REVOKE UPDATE ON collection testCol FROM ROLE testRole",

  "allowed" : "true",

  "objectType" : "PRINCIPLE",

  "collection" : "testCol ",

  "component" : "solr"

  }  log4j.appender.sentryGenericAudit.layout.ConversionPattern=%m%n                  # set the message format