Versions Compared


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  • Formatting was changed.



MetadataResponse => [brokers] controllerId [topic_metadata]   
brokers => node_id host port rack node_id => INT32 host => STRING port => INT32 rack => NULLABLE_STRING controllerId => INT32 topic_metadata => topic_error_code topic is_internal [partition_metadata] topic_error_code => INT16 topic => STRING is_internal => BOOLEAN partition_metadata => partition_error_code partition_id leader [replicas] [isr] partition_error_code => INT16 partition_id => INT32 leader => INT32 replicas => INT32 isr => INT32

Adds rack, controller_id, and is_internal to the version 0 response.

The behavior of the replicas and isr arrays will be changed in order to support the admin tools, and better represent the state of the cluster:

  • In version 0, if a broker is down the replicas and isr array will omit the brokers entry and add a REPLICA_NOT_AVAILABLE error code.
  • In version 1, no error code will be set and a the broker id will be included in the replicas and isr array. 
    • Note: A user can still detect if the replica is not available, by checking if the broker is in the returned broker list.

ACL Admin Schema

List ACLs Request
