Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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Preferences associated with a VirtualHost or below need to automatically propagated automatically amongst the nodes within a HA group.  As an operator, this means I will be able to create, say, a query against my HA virtualhost and the same query will be available to me no matter where the mastership resides.

Unlike relationships between CO, preferences are loosely associated with model objects.  This means that an operator will be able to remove, say a queue, even if preferences are still associated with it, be they belong to the operator himself or another Principal. In this case, the preference becomes orphaned. Orphaned preferences will be automatically purged by the system

The UI will allow an operator to clone a copy of a preference of another which is visible to him, in order that he may change his own copy.


Code Block
/api/version/<configured object category>/path/to/configured/object/visiblepreferences

REST API /preferences - Current







GET will retrieve the preference(s) associated with the identified object that belong to the authenticated user only.


If no preferences are associated with the configured object the response will be an empty JSON list.

Retrieving one preference by id

 The result will be exactly one object.

Code Block
GET /api/latest/broker/preferences?id=75d5d2a4-0573-11e6-b512-3e1d05defe78
HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
 id: "75d5d2a4-0573-11e6-b512-3e1d05defe7",
 type: "QUERY",
 name: "mypref",
 description: "Acme Hot queues",
 visiblityList: [""],
 value: {
   select: "id,name,queueDepthMessages"
   where: "queueDepthMessages > 1000"
 owner: ""
 createdDate: 123456789,
 updatedDate: 123456789
Retrieving one preference by type/name

The result will be exactly one object

Code Block
GET /api/latest/broker/preferences/query/mypref
HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
 id: "75d5d2a4-0573-11e6-b512-3e1d05defe7",
 type: "QUERY",
Retrieving all preferences by type

The result will be a list of objects.

Code Block
GET /api/latest/broker/preferences/query
HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
  id: "75d5d2a4-0573-11e6-b512-3e1d05defe7",
  type: "QUERY",

  id: "0e046c3c-091b-4011-b1ac-a03b906684f2",
  type: "QUERY",
Retrieving all preferences

The result will be a map where the key is a type and the value is a list.

Code Block
GET /api/latest/broker/preferences/
HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
{ "query" : 
   id: "75d5d2a4-0573-11e6-b512-3e1d05defe7",
   type: "QUERY",

   id: "0e046c3c-091b-4011-b1ac-a03b906684f2",
   type: "QUERY",
  "dashboard" : 


A single preference can be created with a PUT request against the full URI (one ending including the preferences/type/name).


All preferences belonging to a configured object of a given type can be replaced by sending a PUT to the URI preferences/<type> and sending a list, or to the URI /preferences and sending a map.   This will replace the preferences that already exist. 


When creating a preference, values specified for owner, createdDate, lastUpdatedDate are always ignored by the model.  visibilityList will be validated to ensure that domain described by it falls completely within the groups to which the user belongs.


A single preference can be updated with a PUTA single preference can be updated with a PUT request against the full URI (one ending including the preferences/type/name).   The request is the same as create using PUT above, except the 200 OK will be returned instead of 201 Created.


Preferences can be replaced on the configured object by sending a PUT to the URI preferences/<type> and sending a list, or to the URI /preferences and sending a map.  This will remove all preferences  that exist at that level and replace them with the preferences within the request.  It is legal for the client to send an empty list or empty map - this will cause the server to remove the preferences leaving none.


A single preference can be deleted with a DELETE against its full URI, or ID.  All preferences of a particular type, or all preferences belonging to the user can be removed by specifying URI preferences/<type> or /preferences respectively.


Code Block
DELETE /api/latest/virtualhost/myvhn/myvh/preferences/query/mypref
DELETE /api/latest/virtualhost/myvhn/myvh/preferences/query/?id=75d5d2a4-0573-11e6-b512-3e1d05defe7
DELETE /api/latest/virtualhost/myvhn/myvh/preferences/query

DELETE /api/latest/virtualhost/myvhn/myvh/preferences

Visible preference API (REST API /visiblepreferences )- retrieve visible preferences for use

This API permits a caller to retrieve all preferences The visible preference API allows for retrieval of preferences that are visible to the user, but do not excluding those that belong to him.


Representation in storage

In the store an instance of a Preference will look like the example below. 

Code Block
 id: <UUID - immutable>,
 name: <name - immutable>,
 type: <type discriminator>
 description: <description>,
 associatedId: <UUID of model object - immutable>,
 owner: <Domain prefixed Principal - normally that belonging to a user - immutable>,
 visibleTo: [<Domain prefixed Principal - normally that belonging to a group>],
 <arbitrary preference specific name/value paird>

Preferences Model Object

A client application may permit the user to 'clone' one of these preferences so that the user may make his own modifications.  There is no direct backend support for this above a GET to this URI, followed by a suitable POST/PUT to /preferences.  The clone is entirely independent of the original.

For GET, /visiblepreferences works in the same manner as /preferences.   The other HTTP methods are unsupported.

The a super user, all preferences are visible.

REST API operation /broker/deletePreferences(user)

This broker operation allows the a suitable permissioned user to delete all the preferences belonging to the indicated user.  This will support the case where a user has left an organisation.

Preference Storage

In the store an instance of a Preference will look like the example below. 

Code Block
 id: <UUID - immutable>,
 name: <name - immutable>,
 type: <type discriminator>
 description: <description>,
 associatedId: <UUID of model object - immutable>,
 owner: <Domain prefixed Principal - normally that belonging to a user - immutable>,
 visibliltyList: [<Domain prefixed Principal - normally that belonging to a group>],
 value: {
 createdDate: 123456789,
 updatedDate: 123456789

Preferences Model Object

At runtime, a Java object will represent the Preference.    The interface for this class will look like this.  Specialisation of the interface will support the different preference types.  The implementations will be backed by a map which At runtime, a Java object will represent the Preference.    The interface for this class will look like this.  Specialisation of the interface will support the different preference types.  The implementations will be backed by a map which will store the name (string) value (object) associations.


Code Block
public interface PreferencePreference<V extends PreferenceValue>
 UUID getId();
 String getName();
 String getType();
 String getDescription();
 Principal getOwner();
 List<Principal> getVisibleTo getVisibiltyList();
 Date getCreatedDate();
 Date getLastUpdatedDate();
 V getValue();
 Map<String,Object> getAttributes();
 void setAttributes(Map<String,Object>); 

 void delete();


This will call out to the security manager to authorise the access of the preference.

Returns a r/o map containing the attributes of the preference.  Used by the REST API and the Store.


 The map will have key/value pairs for id, name, type, description, owner, visibilityList, createdDate, lastUpdateDate.  It will also have a key value whose value is a map containing the key/value pairs for the preference value itself.


This will call out to This will call out to the security manager to authorise the update of the preference.

It then updates the map backing the preference object and invoke the store listener to cause the store to update the preference.


This will call out to the security manager to authorise the update of the preference. 

 The map will be structured in the same way as that returned by getAttributes.

It then updates the map backing the preference object and It will call back to its owning configured object to have itself removed.  The configured object will invoke the store listener to delete the preference.

Configured Object

All ConfiguredObjects will have a set of preferences. This set may be empty.  These are the preferences associated with the configured object.  The configured object will also have a factory to support the creation of new preferences and finder methods to allow preferences to be looked-up.

Code Block
public interface ConfiguredObject
  Preference createPreference(Map<String,Object>);
  Set<Preference> getPreferences();
  Preference getPreferenceById(UUID);
  Preference getPreferenceByName(String);


cause the store to update the preference.

setAttribute must reject any attempt to change the owner.  It must also ensure that any the calling user is a member of every group included in the visibilityList.


This will call out to the security manager to authorise the creation update of the preference. 

It will then use the PreferencesFactory to create the new preference.  The factory will be responsible for registering the preference with the configured object to which it is associated.

This method will be responsible for enforcing an cardinality restrictions.  


Returns the preferences associated with the configured object.  If the caller is not the system subject, the preferences must be filtered so that only preferences that are visible to the caller are returned in the Set.

The method will call out to the SecurityManager to know if a preference should be returned or not.


Returns the preferences associated with the configured object with the given id or name.  If the caller is not the system subject, the method must throw an AccessException if the preference is not visible to the caller.

The method will call out to the SecurityManager.

Preferences Factory

There will be a preference factory which will work rather like the object factory.  The Model will give the ConfiguredObject its preference factory.  BrokerModel will have a hard relationship with a PreferencesFactoryImpl which will know how to lookup specific preference factories and create preference objects.   We might automate the creation of preference factories rather like we do for configure objects.

Security Manager

The security manager will gain responsibilities for authorising preference operations.

  • authoriseCreate(Preference new)
  • authoriseUpdate(Preference existing, Preference new)
  • authoriseDelete(Preference)
  • authoriseAccess(Preference)

For the moment the ordinary user operations we will probably use the existing ACL rules CONFIGURE BROKER and ACCESS VIRTUALHOST.

For the super-user, we will need a new permission will be required (ACCESS PREFERENCES).  A user in the identity maintainer role will normally hold this.

Preference Store

We will have a PreferenceStore interface rather like DurableConfigurationStore

  • open/close

  • upgrade
  • visit
  • create
  • update
  • delete

API is in terms of PreferencesRecord (analogous to ConfiguredObjectRecords).  The stores themselves will hold the preference records as JSON, but this isn't part of the contract.

AbstractSystemConfig and AbstractVirtualHostNode have a separate preference stores.

  • The concrete instances of SystemConfig and VirtualHostNode responsible for creating the preference store too.
  • For storage mechanism BDB, JDBC, Derby there would be a restriction that the preference store must be co-located with the configuration.
  • For storage mechanism JSON the preferences would be stored in a separate file.


At recovery time the AbstractSystemConfig and AbstractVirtualHostNode will need to read all the preferences from their respective stores and create Preference objects.    This needs to occur after the configured objects are recovered. In this phase, objects corresponding to the records must be created.  The recovery algorithm will be similar to that of configured object recovery as preferences may reference other preferences, so some preferences (Dashboards) may have to await the creation of others before they may be created.   As preferences are created they need to be assigned to their associated configured object.

If during the recovery phase, a preference is encountered that refers to a configured object that no longer exists, the preference can be dropped.  If a preference is found that refers to a preference that no longer exists, the reference can be removed.  The latter would happen if a dashboard of user B refers to a query of user A.  If user A deletes their query, user B's reference will be left dangling.  On next recovery, the dangling reference must be removed.  (The UI should probably just display a ? where the query would have been).


The persistent stores need to listen for new preferences, updates to existing preferences or deletes.  A listener mechanism similar to ConfigurationChangeListener will be used.

REST API/Object Model interaction

The REST API needs to lookup configured object referred to by the path.  The path must uniquely identify a single object otherwise an error must result.

For create: Once the configured object is identified, the REST API must call CO#createPreference() passing the map.

For update: Once the configured object is identified, the REST API must call CO#getPreferenceById|Name() passing the identifier.  If the preference does not exist, return a 404. Once the preference is identified, call Preference#setAttributes() to update the preference's state.

For delete: Once the configured object is identified, the REST API must call CO#getPreferenceById|Name() passing the identifier. Once the preference is identified, call Preference#delete()

call back to its owning configured object to have itself removed.  The configured object will invoke the store listener to delete the preference.

Configured Object

All ConfiguredObjects will have a set of preferences. This set may be empty.  These are the preferences associated with the configured object.  The configured object will also have a factory to support the creation of new preferences and finder methods to allow preferences to be looked-up.



Code Block
public interface ConfiguredObject
  Preference createPreference(Map<String,Object>);
  Set<Preference> getPreferences();
  Preference getPreferenceById(UUID);
  Preference getPreferenceByName(String);


This will call out to the security manager to authorise the creation of the preference.

It will then use the PreferencesFactory to create the new preference.  The factory will be responsible for registering the preference with the configured object to which it is associated.

This method will be responsible for enforcing an cardinality restrictions.  


Returns the preferences associated with the configured object.  If the caller is not the system subject, the preferences must be filtered so that only preferences that are visible to the caller are returned in the Set.

The method will call out to the SecurityManager to know if a preference should be returned or not.


Returns the preferences associated with the configured object with the given id or name.  If the caller is not the system subject, the method must throw an AccessException if the preference is not visible to the caller.

The method will call out to the SecurityManager.


Preferences Factory

There will be a preference factory which will work rather like the object factory.  The Model will give the ConfiguredObject its preference factory.  BrokerModel will have a hard relationship with a PreferencesFactoryImpl which will know how to lookup specific preference factories and create preference objects.   We might automate the creation of preference factories rather like we do for configure objects.

Security Manager

The security manager will gain responsibilities for authorising preference operations.

  • authoriseCreate(Preference new)
  • authoriseUpdate(Preference existing, Preference new)
  • authoriseDelete(Preference)
  • authoriseAccess(Preference)

For the moment the ordinary user operations we will probably use the existing ACL rules CONFIGURE BROKER and ACCESS VIRTUALHOST.

For the super-user, we will need a new permission will be required (ACCESS PREFERENCES).  A user in the identity maintainer role will normally hold this.

Preference Store

We will have a PreferenceStore interface rather like DurableConfigurationStore

  • open/close

  • upgrade
  • visit
  • create
  • update
  • delete

API is in terms of PreferencesRecord (analogous to ConfiguredObjectRecords).  The stores themselves will hold the preference records as JSON, but this isn't part of the contract.

AbstractSystemConfig and AbstractVirtualHostNode have a separate preference stores.

  • The concrete instances of SystemConfig and VirtualHostNode responsible for creating the preference store too.
  • For storage mechanism BDB, JDBC, Derby there would be a restriction that the preference store must be co-located with the configuration.
  • For storage mechanism JSON the preferences would be stored in a separate file.


At recovery time the AbstractSystemConfig and AbstractVirtualHostNode will need to read all the preferences from their respective stores and create Preference objects.    This needs to occur after the configured objects are recovered. In this phase, objects corresponding to the records must be created.  The recovery algorithm will be similar to that of configured object recovery as preferences may reference other preferences, so some preferences (Dashboards) may have to await the creation of others before they may be created.   As preferences are created they need to be assigned to their associated configured object.

If during the recovery phase, a preference is encountered that refers to a configured object that no longer exists, the preference can be dropped.  If a preference is found that refers to a preference that no longer exists, the reference can be removed.  The latter would happen if a dashboard of user B refers to a query of user A.  If user A deletes their query, user B's reference will be left dangling.  On next recovery, the dangling reference must be removed.  (The UI should probably just display a ? where the query would have been).


The persistent stores need to listen for new preferences, updates to existing preferences or deletes.  A listener mechanism similar to ConfigurationChangeListener will be used.For retrieve, : Once the configured object is identified, the REST API must call CO#getPreferences()

High Level Class Diagram

