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One particularly relevant use case is database state replication through change data capture. This use case is specifically called out in the Kafka documentation for the compaction feature under "Database change subscription". It is convenient to produce this data in multiple topics (e.g. one per source table) and/or partitions. However, in order to be able to recreate a database state at a point of transactional consitency some coordination across topics/partions is required (e.g. a separate _checkpoint_ topic with the offsets at each transaction commit). If the table topics are all independently compacting there is currently no way to be assured that any given checkpoint can be materialized as the checkpointed offset for any given topic may have been compacted such that some keys may be taking on some subsequently inserted values. (Details:

Another use case is to handle application mistakes. For example, a compacted topic could be the source of truth for certain type of data. If there is an application error, some incorrect data may be published to the topic. When compaction is triggered, those incorrect data can wipe out the last correct message associated with a key. Being able to delay the compaction based on a configurable amount of time will allow a user to preserve those last known correct messages after an application error is discovered but before compaction destroys the correct data.

Public Interfaces

This proposal includes new configurations for controlling compaction. The log cleaner can be configured retain a minimum amount of the uncompacted head of the log. This is enabled by setting one or more of the compaction lags:
