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JPA Component

The jpa: component allows you to work with databases using JPA (EJB 3 Persistence) such as for working with OpenJPA, Hibernate, TopLink to work with relational databases.

Sending to the endpoint

Sending POJOs to the JPA endpoint inserts entities into the database. The body of the message is assumed to be an entity bean (i.e. a POJO with an @Entity annotation on it).

If the body does not contain an entity bean then use a Message Translator in front of the endpoint to perform the necessary conversion first.

Consuming from the endpoint

Consuming messages removes (or updates) entities in the database. This allows you to use a database table as a logical queue, consumerse take messages from the queue and then delete/update them to logically remove them from the queue.

If you do not wish to delete the entity when it has been processed you can specify ?consumeDelete=false on the URI. This will result in the entity being processed each poll.

If you would rather perform some update on the entity to mark it as processed (such as to exclude it from a future query) then you can annotate a method with @Consumed which will be invoked on your entity bean when the entity bean is consumed.

URI format

Code Block

For sending to the endpoint, the entityClassName is optional. If specified it is used to help use the Type Conversion to ensure the body is of the correct type.

For consuming the entityClassName is mandatory.



Default Value




the JPA persistence unit used by default



Enables / disables whether or not the entity is deleted after it is consumed

Include Page
CAMEL:Endpoint See Also
CAMEL:Endpoint See Also