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Tutorial II - Create & Search Projects

Create Project

  1. 'Projects' within Airavata in the gateway is simply to group a set grouping of experiments. 
  2. Every user will have a pre-created 'Default Project' which is auto created when user logs into the gateway for the first time.
  3. To create Projects navigate to ‘Project --> Create’ from the main menu. Enter Project Name (Mandatory) & Project Description (Optional) and Save.Project creation Screen
    Screen Shot 2014-09-08 at 12.14.31 PM.pngImage Removed
    Image II - Create Project
  4. Prior to submission, fields can be cleared using Clear button.
  5. EMandatory fields indicated by star; *.
  6. The user is directed User will be navigated to Project Summary page upon successful creation of the project.

Search Projects

  1. Screen navigation 'Project --> Browse' from the main menu.
  2. Search keys are;
    1. Project Name
    2. Project Description
  3. Search Project Page;

    Image III - Search Project

  4. After selecting the search by key, user has to give  a value to search using the selected key. Click on Search.
  5. All the Projects as per entered key value pair will be listed.
  6. User can search for all projects by using (*) as a wild character. The * can be used when searching either options; Project name or description.
  7. When projects are listed by clicking ‘View’ at the end of the row user can navigate to ‘Project Summary’ page. 
