Versions Compared


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ServiceMix provides a set of Maven archetypes for many different purposes, such as for creation of JBI components, service assemblies or service units for particular ServiceMix components.


Standard Maven syntax

You can utilize an archetype by issueing the following command:

Code Block
mvn archetype:create \
    -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.servicemix.tooling \
    -DarchetypeArtifactId=servicemix-archetype-name \
    -DgroupId=org.apache.servicemix.samples.embedded \
    -DartifactId=servicemix-embedded-example \

You need to replace servicemix-archetype-name by the name of the archetype you want to utilize. This will use the latest released version of the archetype available in the repository. Optionally, you can also specify a specific version to use with the -DarchetypeVersion=VERSION parameter.

Also, you can omit the -DremoteRepositories parameter if you have previously configured the repository as explained in 2.1. Beginner - Configuring Maven.


ServiceMix also ships with a smx-arch, available in the bin directory of the distribution. It provides a more convenient way for using the archetypes:

No Format

Usage: smx-arch command [su-type] [args]
    sl                Creates a new Shared Library"  
    se                Creates a new Service Engine"
    bc                Creates a new Binding Component"
    sa                Creates a new Service Assembly"
    su                Creates a generic Service Unit"
    su [type]         Creates a SU of the specified type"
  SU types:
                      http-consumer, http-provider,"
                      jms-consumer, jms-provider,"
                      ftp-poller, ftp-sender,"
                      jsr181-annotated, jsr181-wsdl-first,"
                      saxon-xquery, saxon-xslt,"
                      eip, lwcontainer, bean, ode"
  Optional arguments:

List of archetypes

Here is a list of the ServiceMix archetypes that are available. You can also take a look at the current list of available archetypes at or in the archetypes directory in a ServiceMix source distribution.
