Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


For more details on role command order, see the Role Command Order section below.

Define Stack

Service Advisor

From Ambari 2.4, each service can choose to define it own service advisor rather than define the details of its configuration and layout in the stack advisor.  This is particularly useful for custom services which are not defined in the stack.  Ambari provides the Service Advisor capability where a service can write a Python script named in their service folder. This folder can be in the stack's services directory where the service is defined or can be inherited from the service definition in common-services or elsewhere.  Example: common-services/HAWQ/2.0.0.

Unlike the Stack-advisor scripts, the service-advisor scripts do not automatically extend the parent service's service-advisor scripts. The service-advisor script needs to explicitly extend their parent's service service-advisor script.  The following code sample shows how you would refer to a parent's  In this case it is extending the root file in the resources/stacks directory.

Code Block
titleSample file inheritance
SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
STACKS_DIR = os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, '../../../stacks/')
PARENT_FILE = os.path.join(STACKS_DIR, '')

  with open(PARENT_FILE, 'rb') as fp:
    service_advisor = imp.load_module('service_advisor', fp, PARENT_FILE, ('.py', 'rb', imp.PY_SOURCE))
except Exception as e:
  print "Failed to load parent"

class HAWQ200ServiceAdvisor(service_advisor.ServiceAdvisor):



Like the stack advisors, service advisors provide information on 4 important aspects:

  1. Recommend layout of the service on cluster
  2. Recommend service configurations
  3. Validate layout of the service on cluster
  4. Validate service configurations

By providing the file, one can control dynamically each of the above for the service. 

The main interface for the service-advisor scripts contains documentation on how each of the above are called, and what data is provided.

Code Block
titleBase from resources/stacks
class ServiceAdvisor(DefaultStackAdvisor):
  Abstract class implemented by all service advisors.

  If any components of the service should be colocated with other services,
  this is where you should set up that layout.  Example:

    # colocate HAWQSEGMENT with DATANODE, if no hosts have been allocated for HAWQSEGMENT
    hawqSegment = [component for component in serviceComponents if component["StackServiceComponents"]["component_name"] == "HAWQSEGMENT"][0]
    if not self.isComponentHostsPopulated(hawqSegment):
      for hostName in hostsComponentsMap.keys():
        hostComponents = hostsComponentsMap[hostName]
        if {"name": "DATANODE"} in hostComponents and {"name": "HAWQSEGMENT"} not in hostComponents:
          hostsComponentsMap[hostName].append( { "name": "HAWQSEGMENT" } )
        if {"name": "DATANODE"} not in hostComponents and {"name": "HAWQSEGMENT"} in hostComponents:
          hostComponents.remove({"name": "HAWQSEGMENT"})
  def colocateService(self, hostsComponentsMap, serviceComponents):

  Any configuration recommendations for the service should be defined in this function.
  This should be similar to any of the recommendXXXXConfigurations functions in the
  such as recommendYARNConfigurations().
  def getServiceConfigurationRecommendations(self, configurations, clusterSummary, services, hosts):

  Returns an array of Validation objects about issues with the hostnames to which components are assigned.
  This should detect validation issues which are different than those the detects.
  The default validations are in getComponentLayoutValidations function.
  def getServiceComponentLayoutValidations(self, services, hosts):
    return []

  Any configuration validations for the service should be defined in this function.
  This should be similar to any of the validateXXXXConfigurations functions in the
  such as validateHDFSConfigurations.
  def getServiceConfigurationsValidationItems(self, configurations, recommendedDefaults, services, hosts):
    return []


Define Stack

A stack is a versioned collection of services. Each stack is a folder is defined in ambari-server/src/A stack is a versioned collection of services. Each stack is a folder is defined in ambari-server/src/main/resources/stacks source. Once installed, these stack definitions are available on the ambari-server machine at /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks.


  • STOP


Role Command OrderExplanation
"HIVE_METASTORE-START": ["MYSQL_SERVER-START", "NAMENODE-START"]Start MySQL and NameNode components before starting Hive Metastore
"MAPREDUCE_SERVICE_CHECK-SERVICE_CHECK": ["NODEMANAGER-START", "RESOURCEMANAGER-START"],MapReduce service check needs ResourceManager and NodeManagers started
"ZOOKEEPER_SERVER-STOP" : ["HBASE_MASTER-STOP", "HBASE_REGIONSERVER-STOP", "METRICS_COLLECTOR-STOP"],Before stopping ZooKeeper servers, make sure HBase Masters, HBase RegionServers and AMS Metrics Collector are stopped.


Code Block
languagepy Interface
class StackAdvisor(object):
  Abstract class implemented by all stack advisors. Stack advisors advise on stack specific questions. 

  Currently stack advisors provide following abilities:
  - Recommend where services should be installed in cluster
  - Recommend configurations based on host hardware
  - Validate user selection of where services are installed on cluster
  - Validate user configuration values 

  Each of the above methods is passed in parameters about services and hosts involved as described below.

    @type services: dictionary
    @param services: Dictionary containing all information about services selected by the user. 
      Example: {
      "services": [
          "StackServices": {
            "service_name" : "HDFS",
            "service_version" : "",
          "components" : [ 
              "StackServiceComponents" : {
                "cardinality" : "1+",
                "component_category" : "SLAVE",
                "component_name" : "DATANODE",
                "display_name" : "DataNode",
                "service_name" : "HDFS",
                "hostnames" : []
              "dependencies" : []
            }, {
              "StackServiceComponents" : {
                "cardinality" : "1-2",
                "component_category" : "MASTER",
                "component_name" : "NAMENODE",
                "display_name" : "NameNode",
                "service_name" : "HDFS",
                "hostnames" : []
              "dependencies" : []
  @type hosts: dictionary
  @param hosts: Dictionary containing all information about hosts in this cluster
    Example: {
      "items": [
          Hosts: {
            "host_name": "",
            "public_host_name" : "",
            "ip": "",
            "cpu_count" : 1,
            "disk_info" : [
              "available" : "4564632",
              "used" : "5230344",
              "percent" : "54%",
              "size" : "10319160",
              "type" : "ext4",
              "mountpoint" : "/"
              "available" : "1832436",
              "used" : "0",
              "percent" : "0%",
              "size" : "1832436",
              "type" : "tmpfs",
              "mountpoint" : "/dev/shm"
            "host_state" : "HEALTHY",
            "os_arch" : "x86_64",
            "os_type" : "centos6",
            "total_mem" : 3664872

    Each of the methods can either return recommendations or validations.

    Recommendations are made in a Ambari Blueprints friendly format. 
    Validations are an array of validation objects.

  def recommendComponentLayout(self, services, hosts):
    Returns recommendation of which hosts various service components should be installed on.

    This function takes as input all details about services being installed, and hosts
    they are being installed into, to generate hostname assignments to various components
    of each service.

    @type services: dictionary
    @param services: Dictionary containing all information about services selected by the user.
    @type hosts: dictionary
    @param hosts: Dictionary containing all information about hosts in this cluster
    @rtype: dictionary
    @return: Layout recommendation of service components on cluster hosts in Ambari Blueprints friendly format. 
        Example: {
          "resources" : [
              "hosts" : [
              "services" : [
              "recommendations" : {
                "blueprint" : {
                  "host_groups" : [
                      "name" : "host-group-2",
                      "components" : [
                        { "name" : "JOURNALNODE" },
                        { "name" : "ZKFC" },
                        { "name" : "DATANODE" },
                        { "name" : "SECONDARY_NAMENODE" }
                      "name" : "host-group-1",
                      "components" : 
                        { "name" : "HDFS_CLIENT" },
                        { "name" : "NAMENODE" },
                        { "name" : "JOURNALNODE" },
                        { "name" : "ZKFC" },
                        { "name" : "DATANODE" }
                "blueprint_cluster_binding" : {
                  "host_groups" : [
                      "name" : "host-group-1",
                      "hosts" : [ { "fqdn" : "" } ]
                      "name" : "host-group-2",
                      "hosts" : [ { "fqdn" : "" } ]

  def validateComponentLayout(self, services, hosts):
    Returns array of Validation issues with service component layout on hosts

    This function takes as input all details about services being installed along with
    hosts the components are being installed on (hostnames property is populated for 
    each component).  

    @type services: dictionary
    @param services: Dictionary containing information about services and host layout selected by the user.
    @type hosts: dictionary
    @param hosts: Dictionary containing all information about hosts in this cluster
    @rtype: dictionary
    @return: Dictionary containing array of validation items
        Example: {
          "items": [
              "type" : "host-group",
              "level" : "ERROR",
              "message" : "NameNode and Secondary NameNode should not be hosted on the same machine",
              "component-name" : "NAMENODE",
              "host" : "" 

  def recommendConfigurations(self, services, hosts):
    Returns recommendation of service configurations based on host-specific layout of components.

    This function takes as input all details about services being installed, and hosts
    they are being installed into, to recommend host-specific configurations.

    @type services: dictionary
    @param services: Dictionary containing all information about services and component layout selected by the user.
    @type hosts: dictionary
    @param hosts: Dictionary containing all information about hosts in this cluster
    @rtype: dictionary
    @return: Layout recommendation of service components on cluster hosts in Ambari Blueprints friendly format. 
        Example: {
         "services": [
         "recommendations": {
          "blueprint": {
           "host_groups": [], 
           "configurations": {
            "yarn-site": {
             "properties": {
              "yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb": "682", 
              "yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb": "2048", 
              "yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb": "2048"
            "tez-site": {
             "properties": {
              "": "-server -Xmx546m -XX:+UseNUMA -XX:+UseParallelGC", 
              "": "682"
            "hive-site": {
             "properties": {
              "hive.tez.container.size": "682", 
              "": "-server -Xmx546m -XX:NewRatio=8 -XX:+UseNUMA -XX:+UseParallelGC", 
              "": "238026752"
          "blueprint_cluster_binding": {
           "host_groups": []
         "hosts": [

  def validateConfigurations(self, services, hosts):
    Returns array of Validation issues with configurations provided by user
    This function takes as input all details about services being installed along with
    configuration values entered by the user. These configurations can be validated against
    service requirements, or host hardware to generate validation issues. 

    @type services: dictionary
    @param services: Dictionary containing information about services and user configurations.
    @type hosts: dictionary
    @param hosts: Dictionary containing all information about hosts in this cluster
    @rtype: dictionary
    @return: Dictionary containing array of validation items
        Example: {
         "items": [
           "config-type": "yarn-site", 
           "message": "Value is less than the recommended default of 682", 
           "type": "configuration", 
           "config-name": "yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb", 
           "level": "WARN"



You can read about Express Upgrade steps in this documentation.



Stack Advisor

With each stack containing multiple complex services, it becomes necessary to dynamically determine how the services are laid out on the cluster, and for determining values of certain configurations.
Ambari provides the Stack Advisor capability where stacks can write a Python script named in the services/ folder. Example: HDP-2.0.6
Stack-advisor scripts automatically extend the parent stack-version's stack-advisor scripts. This allows newer stack-versions to change behavior without effecting earlier behavior.

Stack advisors provide information on 4 important aspects:

  1. Recommend layout of services on cluster
  2. Recommend service configurations
  3. Validate layout of services on cluster
  4. Validate service configurations

By providing the file, one can control dynamically each of the above. 

The main interface for the stack-advisor scripts contains documentation on how each of the above are called, and what data is provided