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Table of Contents

2.0.0-M4 (June 24th, 2016)

The forth milestone release from the new major series Syncope 2.0 Jazz is now available, bearing a relevant number of fixes and improvements over 2.0.0-M3.


  • [SYNCOPE-845] - Type extensions not considered for user and any objects forms
  • [SYNCOPE-863] - Pull policy correlation rule plain attributes palette doesn't work fine
  • [SYNCOPE-865] - Random ConcurrentModificationException reported in the logs
  • [SYNCOPE-867] - Creating a new notification template the list of available templates are not updated after submit
  • [SYNCOPE-868] - Submit and cancel button not available in create report template modal page
  • [SYNCOPE-869] - Missing notification in case of success after create and update
  • [SYNCOPE-875] - Can't test LDAP Connector in admin console
  • [SYNCOPE-876] - Fake after object reported by propagation in case of delete


  • [SYNCOPE-827] - Allow to specify user / group / any object filters for push tasks
  • [SYNCOPE-829] - Use actual pagination for resource explore
  • [SYNCOPE-852] - Add a good title including report/reportlet name modal used to edit report and reportlet
  • [SYNCOPE-862] - Membership and type extension improvements
  • [SYNCOPE-866] - Check for existence of key before adding template
  • [SYNCOPE-870] - Refer to users and groups by their names in Activiti workflow definition
  • [SYNCOPE-871] - Link NumberWidgets on the dashboard to their respective pages
  • [SYNCOPE-873] - Remove list() methods from User, Group and AnyObject REST APIs

New Feature

2.0.0-M3 (June 3rd, 2016)

The third milestone release from the new major series Syncope 2.0 Jazz is now available, bearing a relevant number of fixes and improvements over 2.0.0-M2.



  • [SYNCOPE-737] - UserWizardBuilder, the store internally password flag is not set properly
  • [SYNCOPE-781] - Activiti Modeler breaks deployment from installer
  • [SYNCOPE-783] - DateTime fields not correctly handled in Enduser
  • [SYNCOPE-792] - Improve JEXL information text for "mandatory" when creating a new schema attribute
  • [SYNCOPE-793] - Password" keys missing when creating a resource mapping
  • [SYNCOPE-798] - Once authenticated to enduser, "Cancel" brings nowhere
  • [SYNCOPE-799] - Do not allow admin user log in to enduser
  • [SYNCOPE-800] - Synchronization fails in case of accountId mapped on derived attribute starting with literal
  • [SYNCOPE-801] - Provisioning mappings are not saved
  • [SYNCOPE-811] - Error message "'spinner' is required"
  • [SYNCOPE-812] - Remove flickering
  • [SYNCOPE-813] - Remove "mandatory" field from configuration parameter creation
  • [SYNCOPE-814] - MasterContent.xml configuration is broken for "main"
  • [SYNCOPE-817] - Switching between Connector Configuration tabs loses information
  • [SYNCOPE-823] - Workflow XML editor pops up after closing Activiti Modeler
  • [SYNCOPE-825] - CSS title under Realms: bad style
  • [SYNCOPE-836] - On Firefox, once logged in can't log out and viceversa if cache is not have been cleared
  • [SYNCOPE-837] - Bad appearance for + / - buttons under Chrome / Chromium
  • [SYNCOPE-839] - Syncope 2.0.0-M2 has a missing dependency syncope-fit-build-build-tools
  • [SYNCOPE-844] - When showing propagation task details stacktrace is reported instead
  • [SYNCOPE-846] - Annoying flickering
  • [SYNCOPE-847] - When creating virtual schema, the new item is not shown in the list
  • [SYNCOPE-849] - Task execution popup does not resize properly on Chrome
  • [SYNCOPE-850] - Heart icon to check connector connectivity does not show feedback panel on Chrome


  • [SYNCOPE-791] - Update UI to display what you're adding when creating a role
  • [SYNCOPE-796] - Add favicon to enduser
  • [SYNCOPE-797] - Automatically select a unique version for a Connector
  • [SYNCOPE-802] - Improve Connector "Capabilities" layout
  • [SYNCOPE-803] - Improve explanation for on/off buttons in the Connector Configuration
  • [SYNCOPE-804] - Support the explanation of the Connector Configuration properties
  • [SYNCOPE-805] - Select destination realm from a drop down list when creating a task
  • [SYNCOPE-806] - Validate "standalone" resource provisioning
  • [SYNCOPE-807] - When editing realms, select account and password policies from combo box
  • [SYNCOPE-810] - Allow generated projects to include extensions in embedded mode
  • [SYNCOPE-815] - Configure standalone to log under $CATALINA_HOME/logs
  • [SYNCOPE-816] - Add message when no "plain" attributes available
  • [SYNCOPE-818] - Allow to optionally specify the MappingItemTransformer class, for each mapping item
  • [SYNCOPE-819] - Add deletion query across all components
  • [SYNCOPE-820] - Allow to optionally specify user / group / any object template(s) for pull tasks
  • [SYNCOPE-821] - Allow capability override on resources
  • [SYNCOPE-822] - Replace Long autogenerated keys with UUIDs
  • [SYNCOPE-824] - Push/Pull task "names" not marked as mandatory in the console
  • [SYNCOPE-826] - Allow to specify any templates and logic actions from realm
  • [SYNCOPE-830] - Associate notification tasks to related notifications
  • [SYNCOPE-834] - Single WebSocketBehavior per page
  • [SYNCOPE-835] - Allow to configure groups' type extensions
  • [SYNCOPE-838] - review of logging state of the syncope enduser
  • [SYNCOPE-841] - Admin console small tweaks and fixes
  • [SYNCOPE-842] - Use gzip compression by default
  • [SYNCOPE-848] - Include provision information in VirSchemaTO
  • [SYNCOPE-851] - Add title per wizard step about user/group/anyobject
  • [SYNCOPE-855] - Synchronization token management enhancement in case of errors
  • [SYNCOPE-857] - JEXL-based transformation for mapping items
  • [SYNCOPE-858] - Ensure afterObject is provided after propagation

New Feature

  • [SYNCOPE-156] - New admin UI
  • [SYNCOPE-701] - New end-user UI
  • [SYNCOPE-788] - Show the propagation task(s) linked to a given user / group / any object
  • [SYNCOPE-789] - Browse objects on external resources
  • [SYNCOPE-790] - Allow user / group / any object admin form customization
  • [SYNCOPE-828] - Russian translation for admin console
  • [SYNCOPE-856] - Allow to provision all group's members upon request



  • [SYNCOPE-730] - Datetime picker component is not working properly with some date formats
  • [SYNCOPE-756] - Relationships with USERs on the right side have to be forbidden
  • [SYNCOPE-758] - Workflow diagram not updated after saving from XML editor modal window
  • [SYNCOPE-759] - Creation of a new AnyTypeClass doesn't check if the key is already used
  • [SYNCOPE-762] - Last execution date value is always null for Sched, Sync and Push tasks
  • [SYNCOPE-768] - Missing records in case of user list ordered by nullable schema
  • [SYNCOPE-769] - Sync performance decrease
  • [SYNCOPE-774] - Cannot update resource mapping
  • [SYNCOPE-775] - Error when adding a dynamic user membership condition to a role
  • [SYNCOPE-776] - Standalone 2.0.0-M1 does not start up
  • [SYNCOPE-780] - On logout session is not completely cleared out
  • [SYNCOPE-782] - DateParamConverterProvider not working with Widlfly 9


  • [SYNCOPE-155] - Better way to override console pages
  • [SYNCOPE-742] - Upgrade to CXF 3.1.5
  • [SYNCOPE-760] - Allow dynamic reloading of mail templates
  • [SYNCOPE-761] - Allow dynamic reloading of report stylesheets
  • [SYNCOPE-763] - Provide sample Audit reportlet
  • [SYNCOPE-767] - Password Policy: mustn't contain value of the following attributes case insensitive
  • [SYNCOPE-771] - Rename Sync to Pull
  • [SYNCOPE-778] - Allow admins to force users' password change at next login

New Feature


  • [SYNCOPE-552] - Provide Activiti modeler installation feature to installer
  • [SYNCOPE-580] - Add user services to command line interface
  • [SYNCOPE-581] - Add configuration services to command line interface
  • [SYNCOPE-582] - Add connector services to command line interface
  • [SYNCOPE-583] - Add entitlement services to command line interface
  • [SYNCOPE-584] - Add logger services to command line interface
  • [SYNCOPE-585] - Add notification services to command line interface
  • [SYNCOPE-586] - Add policy services to command line interface
  • [SYNCOPE-587] - Add report services to command line interface
  • [SYNCOPE-588] - Add resource services to command line interface
  • [SYNCOPE-589] - Add role services to command line interface
  • [SYNCOPE-590] - Add schema services to command line interface
  • [SYNCOPE-591] - Add security question services to command line interface
  • [SYNCOPE-592] - Add task services to command line interface
  • [SYNCOPE-595] - Add workflow services to command line interface
  • [SYNCOPE-626] - make it possible to disallow using the username as password
  • [SYNCOPE-636] - Include proper LICENSE & NOTICE in the dist artifact
  • [SYNCOPE-711] - Add domain services to command line interface
  • [SYNCOPE-718] - Add missing integrations
  • [SYNCOPE-722] - CLI documentation
  • [SYNCOPE-723] - Create bash script file to wrap java command
  • [SYNCOPE-724] - create properties file as help messages
  • [SYNCOPE-727] - Integration test
  • [SYNCOPE-728] - Delete all users
  • [SYNCOPE-740] - Website update for 2.0.0


  • [SYNCOPE-532] - Installer does not pick Syncope version from POM
  • [SYNCOPE-539] - Edit user with resources causes Ajax failure
  • [SYNCOPE-540] - Console build fails on Windows
  • [SYNCOPE-543] - Role's "Inherit Attributes" does not inherit from parent role for check box attribute
  • [SYNCOPE-545] - Date field without conversion pattern specified goes in NPE if deleting date
  • [SYNCOPE-547] - Cannot send e-mails out when SMTP server requires authentication
  • [SYNCOPE-548] - Provide Activiti Modeler setup instructions
  • [SYNCOPE-549] - Activiti Modeler always show the default workflow definition
  • [SYNCOPE-551] - Admin console shows 24 roles at most in the role tree
  • [SYNCOPE-553] - Internal Server Error when creating account policy
  • [SYNCOPE-554] - Class Cast Exception when syncronization task starts
  • [SYNCOPE-556] - Error in the enum schema when trying to add new enumeration value/label
  • [SYNCOPE-557] - Exception during report execution when matching condition is not provided for user and role reportlets
  • [SYNCOPE-560] - build-tools classes artifact not published to Maven repository
  • [SYNCOPE-561] - HTML reports not displayed correctly with no external resources
  • [SYNCOPE-562] - Duplicated configuration parameters in the CATTR table
  • [SYNCOPE-564] - Error while viewing user details in approval request workflow from Approvers login
  • [SYNCOPE-565] - Error on ResourceModalPage when override a SpinnerField in the ConnectorModalPage
  • [SYNCOPE-566] - Name attribute value disappears after changing attribute type during schema manipulation
  • [SYNCOPE-567] - Security question is not displayed correctly during password reset
  • [SYNCOPE-568] - Connectors configuration "check connection"
  • [SYNCOPE-569] - The user status is not propagated on the resources
  • [SYNCOPE-571] - ResourceConnConfPanel feedback panel does not work
  • [SYNCOPE-572] - overridable resource connector properties cannot be changed
  • [SYNCOPE-574] - NullPointerException in ConnInstanceDataBinder with Java 8
  • [SYNCOPE-576] - The values of configuration parameters are not saved
  • [SYNCOPE-578] - Role bulk delete not working
  • [SYNCOPE-596] - Standalone persistence not configured for H2
  • [SYNCOPE-597] - Error when serializating SyncToken with byte array type during sync task from Active Directory
  • [SYNCOPE-598] - Push Task fails on role with LDAP resource with rolemapping defined
  • [SYNCOPE-600] - Approval chains do not work from second form onwards
  • [SYNCOPE-601] - AD deleted object synchronization fails if a sync policy is specified on one or more attributes that can have no values on Syncope
  • [SYNCOPE-603] - Remote unauthorized exception when a user makes a request to add a role to his profile
  • [SYNCOPE-605] - Impossible to update the connector capabilities
  • [SYNCOPE-607] - Error when adding a value to a multivalue configuration parameter of type long
  • [SYNCOPE-608] - Cannot configure audit for AuthenticationController
  • [SYNCOPE-610] - Installer doesn't update the with the container port
  • [SYNCOPE-611] - An approver displays all approval tasks including those not assigned to him
  • [SYNCOPE-613] - delete overridable connector configuration property of type array String in resource edit panel
  • [SYNCOPE-614] - NotificationJob fails with NullPointerException
  • [SYNCOPE-615] - Updating properties and xml files of the installer module with the current version
  • [SYNCOPE-617] - User/role schema attribute with minus symbol in name
  • [SYNCOPE-625] - Build fails with Java 6
  • [SYNCOPE-629] - ATTRTEMPLATE entities not exported
  • [SYNCOPE-632] - Errors during update propagation when derived attribute is configured as account id
  • [SYNCOPE-638] - MAttrTemplate and RAttrTemplate sequence values are not managed in content.xml
  • [SYNCOPE-639] - Notification 'recipientAttrType' and 'recipientAttrName' are not required
  • [SYNCOPE-641] - Concurrency issues with multiple client threads
  • [SYNCOPE-643] - WorkflowResult provides unmodifiable collection for performed tasks
  • [SYNCOPE-644] - Error during synchronization of roles when using a RoleSchema as accountId
  • [SYNCOPE-647] - Problem during propagation of an updated membership on a resource
  • [SYNCOPE-649] - Paged lists not working properly
  • [SYNCOPE-654] - Some generic and uninformative error messages
  • [SYNCOPE-656] - Debian configuration files overwrittern
  • [SYNCOPE-658] - Duplicate derived attribute after sync task when it is configured as accountid for the synched resource
  • [SYNCOPE-659] - Wrong fasterxml.jackson, common-lang3 version in the Import-Package in the syncope-common, syncope-client
  • [SYNCOPE-664] - Empty string values not allowed with Oracle DB
  • [SYNCOPE-668] - JobInstanceLoader class is not able to return the correct Task id or Report id from its job name
  • [SYNCOPE-669] - Search filter in the notifications doesn't work properly
  • [SYNCOPE-670] - Prpagation miss all UserMod's changes performed by the Activiti update service task
  • [SYNCOPE-671] - Changed password value is not propagated to external resources on successful password reset
  • [SYNCOPE-672] - Console doesn't display the right condition when configuring a search filter with a resource
  • [SYNCOPE-673] - Null ids in SyncJob report
  • [SYNCOPE-678] - Password generation fails with no password policy or no min / max length
  • [SYNCOPE-684] - Password not updated on external resources from self-service
  • [SYNCOPE-686] - Indirect LDAP resource provisioning fails on missing password
  • [SYNCOPE-688] - JSON (de)serialization not working in Glassfish 4.1
  • [SYNCOPE-691] - Multivalue virtual attribute does not work
  • [SYNCOPE-702] - Documentation issue on Architecture section
  • [SYNCOPE-703] - Static WADL is missing extension services
  • [SYNCOPE-706] - INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR when authenticating with non existing username
  • [SYNCOPE-707] - ConfigurationLogic doesn't check the existence of key during deletion.
  • [SYNCOPE-710] - Password propagation not occuring if other updates are set on different resources
  • [SYNCOPE-717] - Inconsistent double attribute value management
  • [SYNCOPE-729] - Skipped remote update during resource assignment if connector CREATE capability is not provided
  • [SYNCOPE-733] - Table sort does not work fine in case of multi paged result
  • [SYNCOPE-735] - Acitiviti history tables uncontrolled growth
  • [SYNCOPE-739] - Virtual attributes are not updated after a sync task
  • [SYNCOPE-741] - Tasks page unusable when a task has thousand executions


  • [SYNCOPE-120] - Avoid duplication in console's authorization management
  • [SYNCOPE-139] - Support OpenICF connector bundles
  • [SYNCOPE-141] - Concurrent propagation
  • [SYNCOPE-142] - Asynchronous propagation
  • [SYNCOPE-391] - Make password management optional
  • [SYNCOPE-536] - Upgrade to Activiti 5.16
  • [SYNCOPE-538] - Externalize all WAR configuration
  • [SYNCOPE-550] - Provide cleaner user workflow definition for production
  • [SYNCOPE-555] - check for id != 0 in *Controller.resolveReference()
  • [SYNCOPE-570] - Remove usage of deprecated com.thoughtworks.selenium.Selenium
  • [SYNCOPE-575] - Choose between stable and snapshot release
  • [SYNCOPE-599] - Enhance console's authorization.xml parsing
  • [SYNCOPE-602] - Make form approver available as workflow variable
  • [SYNCOPE-604] - allow configuring empty connid location list
  • [SYNCOPE-612] - explicit configuration of Velocity logging
  • [SYNCOPE-616] - Improving the management of the xml and properties files inside the installer
  • [SYNCOPE-618] - Upgrade Activiti to 5.17
  • [SYNCOPE-620] - Code re-organization
  • [SYNCOPE-621] - Reduce log level of bean validation errors (in data binder)
  • [SYNCOPE-622] - Improve VirAttrCache management
  • [SYNCOPE-627] - Camel provisioning manager: separate user / role route management and introduce Unit Test
  • [SYNCOPE-630] - Eliminate duplicate Syncope WADL methods
  • [SYNCOPE-634] - performance optimization for content loading
  • [SYNCOPE-637] - Let user choose extensions
  • [SYNCOPE-640] - Allow MariaDB to be chosen with installer
  • [SYNCOPE-645] - Provide validation error message when add a role attribute in a user mapping as accountId
  • [SYNCOPE-646] - Do not propagate password if not explicitely requested
  • [SYNCOPE-648] - Notification Configuration: missing some labels in events
  • [SYNCOPE-651] - SyncopeUser:checkToken() should fail if token is not set on user
  • [SYNCOPE-660] - Extend control over asynchronous job execution
  • [SYNCOPE-661] - Remove overloaded methods from REST services
  • [SYNCOPE-663] - Option to ignore users / roles during synchronization or push
  • [SYNCOPE-665] - Introduce LogicActions for users and groups
  • [SYNCOPE-674] - NotificationManager should be able to return a list of created task ids
  • [SYNCOPE-676] - Option for getting simplified list of users and roles
  • [SYNCOPE-679] - Deferred tasks
  • [SYNCOPE-680] - Recipient provider extension class
  • [SYNCOPE-692] - List and search on external resources
  • [SYNCOPE-694] - PATCH and PUT update for users, groups and any objects
  • [SYNCOPE-696] - Allow to restrict task list
  • [SYNCOPE-705] - Support gzip compression for REST services
  • [SYNCOPE-708] - Conform the Logger "service stack" to others
  • [SYNCOPE-709] - Virtual attributes management refactoring
  • [SYNCOPE-713] - Remove ConfTO object from ConfigurationService
  • [SYNCOPE-714] - Add the possibility to override the capabilities of the connector
  • [SYNCOPE-715] - Configure whether password hash values should be returned via REST calls
  • [SYNCOPE-725] - Derived attributes management refactoring
  • [SYNCOPE-731] - Fine-grained entitlements for any objects
  • [SYNCOPE-732] - Filtered reconciliation for synchronization
  • [SYNCOPE-736] - Exchange JSON by default
  • [SYNCOPE-747] - Option to disable tasks / reports
  • [SYNCOPE-748] - Selectively delete task and report executions
  • [SYNCOPE-749] - Human-readable date values for JSON payloads
  • [SYNCOPE-751] - Preview for PDF binary values

New Feature
