Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


"es.clustername": "metron",
"es.ip": "node1",
"es.port": "9300",
"": "yyyy.MM.dd.HH",
"fieldValidations" : [
"input" : [ "ip_src_addr", "ip_dst_addr" ],
"validation" : "IP",
"config" : {
"type" : "IPV4"



Start the new squid parser topology:Now push the global config

/usr/metron/$METRON_VERSION/bin/ -k $BROKERLIST:6667 i /usr/metron/$METRON_VERSION/config/zookeeper -m PUSH -z $ZOOKEEPER:2181 -s squid

Navigate to the squid parser topology in the Storm UI at http://node1:8744/index.html and verify the topology is up with no errors:



CREATE ES template before deployment

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Now that we have a new running squid parser topology, generate some data to parse by running this command several times:

tail /var/log/squid/access.log | /usr/hdp/current/kafka-broker/bin/ --broker-list node1:6667 --topic squid

Refresh the Storm UI and it should report data being parsed:

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/usr/metron/$METRON_VERSION/bin/ -m DUMP -z $ZOOKEEPER:2181

Start the new squid parser topology:

/usr/metron/$METRON_VERSION/bin/ -k $BROKERLIST:6667 -z $ZOOKEEPER:2181 -s squid

Navigate to the squid parser topology in the Storm UI at http://node1:


8744/index.html and verify the topology is up with no errors:


Image Added

Now that we have a new running squid parser topology, generate some data to parse by running this command several times:

sudo tail /var/log/squid/access.log | /usr/hdp/current/kafka-broker/bin/ --broker-list $BROKERLIST:6667 --topic squid

Refresh the Storm UI and it should report data being parsed:

Image Added

Then navigate Elasticsearch at http://node1:9200/_cat/indices?v and verify that a squid index has been created:

health status index      


health status index                     pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size
yellow open   yaf_index_2016.04.25.15     5   1       5485            0        4mb            4mb 
yellow open   snort_index_2016.04.26.12   5   1      24452         pri rep  0     14.4mb         14.4mb docs.count docs.deleted store.size
yellow open   broyaf_index_2016.04.25.1615     5   1       12955485            0      1.9mb  4mb            1.9mb4mb 
yellow open   squidsnort_index_2016.04.26.1312   5   1        24452  1            0      714.3kb4mb          714.3kb4mb 
yellow open   yafbro_index_2016.04.25.17     5   1      30750 16     5   1   0    1295 17.4mb         17.4mb 


In order to verify that the messages were indexed correctly first install elastic search Head plugin:

/usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/plugin -install mobz/elasticsearch-head/1.x

And navigate to http://node1:9200/_plugin/head/

There you will see parsed message + performance timestamps.  We will discuss the performance timestamps in another blog entry.  


  0      1.9mb          1.9mb
yellow open   squid_index_2016.04.26.13   5   1          1            0      7.3kb          7.3kb 
yellow open   yaf_index_2016.04.25.17     5   1      30750            0     17.4mb         17.4mb 


In order to verify that the messages were indexed correctly first install elastic search Head plugin:


sudo plugin install mobz/elasticsearch-head

And navigate to http://node1:9200/_plugin/head/

There you will see parsed message + performance timestamps.  We will discuss the performance timestamps in another blog entry.

Now lets see how we create a Kibana dashboard to visualize data in metron.  First click on Visualize, select a squid index, and add the fields you wan to display

Image Added


By convention the index where the new messages will be indexed is called squid_index_[timestamp] and the document type is squid_doc.

Now that we have the messages parsed and indexed we need to setup a Kibana dashboard.  To do so access the dashboard on http://node1:5000/#/dashboard/file/default.json

To create a new ingest histogram we first need to setup a pinned query.  Click on the query + button and pin a query for _type:squid_doc.  This would look like:

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Once the query is pinned it will show up in the pinned queries bar like so:

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Once the query is established we can create a histogram panel.  In the panel settings point the panel to listed to the Squid Logs pinned query you just created

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And make sure that the time field points to the field called "timestamp:

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Click OK and you should get a histogram that looks like this:

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Now to add a detailed telemetry table create a new table panel, and similarly to the histogram panel point it to the Squid Logs pinned query.  As a result the following table will be created:

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