Versions Compared


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We now have to configure what element of a tuple should be enriched with what enrichment type. This configuration will be stored in zookeeper.

  1. LogLog $HOST_WITH_ENRICHMENT_TAG as root user
  2. Cut and paste the following into file into a file called "enrichment_config_temp.json" (make sure to set ZOOKEEPER_HOST with your specific value)  

         "zkQuorum" : "$ZOOKEEPER_HOST:2181"
        ,"sensorToFieldList" : {
              "squid" : {
                 "type" : "ENRICHMENT"
                ,"fieldToEnrichmentTypes" : {
                     "domain_without_subdomains" : [ "whois" ]

  3. Because copying and pasting from this blog will include some non-ascii invisible characters, to strip them out, ru the following:

    1. iconv -c -f utf-8 -t ascii enrichment_config_temp.json -o enrichment_config.json


  1. Go to the Metron UI: http://METRON_UI_HOST:5000 
  2. Select Dashboard Tab 
  3. Edit the Squid Event Details Panel that you created in the Add Telemetry Docs by clicking on the edit icon. You will be taken to the Discover page. 
  4. Add the following new enrichment fields to the selected fields section (see section highlighted in red)Image Added
  5. Click the Save Button to save the Search and save it with same name "Squid Event Details". 
  6. Click on the Dashboard Page and delete the Squid Event Details panel and re-add it. 
  7. The Squid Event Details panel should  now have the new enriched fields. Image Added


Notice the enrichments here (whois.owner, whois.domain_created_timestamp, whois.registrar, whois.home_country)