Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Create a top-level directory called apache-tez-{x.y.z}-bin
  • Untar the contents of the minimal tarball into this directory.
  • Copy the full tarball into the directory under apache-tez-{x.y.z}-bin/share/ and name the file tez.tar.gz 
  • Copy the LICENSE* files and NOTICE file from the full tarball and replace the files under apache-tez-{x.y.z}-bin/ which came from the minimal tarball. 
  • If the version is higher than 0.8.x, use the mvn javadoc command to generate the xml-based config documentation and copy the files under apache-tez-{x.y.z}-bin/conf/ with a .template suffix.
  • Tar the top-level directory and do the necessary signing as well as the checksum creation as done for the src tarball. 
Code Block
#Define the following environment variables
TEZ_SRC_DIR (e.g. tez-src or the absolute path)
RELEASE_VERSION (e.g. 0.8.4)
mvn clean install -DskipTests
mvn site
cd ..
mkdir apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-bin
tar -C apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-bin -zxvf tez/tez-dist/target/tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-minimal.tar.gz
mkdir tmp-tez-full
tar -C tmp-tez-full -zxvf tez/tez-dist/target/tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}.tar.gz
cp tmp-tez-full/LICENSE* apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-bin/
cp tmp-tez-full/NOTICE* apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-bin/
rm -rf tmp-tez-full
mkdir apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-bin/conf
# copy over tez templates into conf dir (0.8.x onwards)
# Note: If TEZ-3322 is not fixed, modify the config files under apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-bin/conf/ and add the Apache header
mkdir apache-tez-{x.y.z${RELEASE_VERSION}-bin/share
tarcp -C apache-tez-{x.y.z}-bin -zxvf tez-{x.y.z}-minimal.tar.gz
mkdir tmp-tez-full
tar -C tmp-tez-full -zxvf tez-{x.y.z}.tar.gz
cp tmp-tez-full/LICENSE* apache-tez-{x.y.z}-bin/
cp tmp-tez-full/NOTICE* apache-tez-{x.y.z}-bin/
rm -rf tmp-tez-full
mkdir apache-tez-{x.y.z}-bin/conf
# copy over tez templates into conf dir.
# ToBeFilled by 0.8.x release manager
mkdir apache-tez-{x.y.z}-bin/share
cp tez-{x.y.z}.tar.gz apache-tez-{x.y.z}-bin/share/
COPYFILE_DISABLE=1 tar --exclude=.git -zcvf apache-tez-{x.y.ztez/tez-api/target/site/apidocs/configs/tez-default-template.xml apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-bin/conf/
cp tez/tez-runtime-library/target/site/apidocs/configs/tez-runtime-default-template.xml apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-bin/conf/

cp tez/tez-dist/target/tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}.tar.gz apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-bin/share/tez.tar.gz
COPYFILE_DISABLE=1 tar --exclude=.git -zcvf apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-bin

# Sign release and create checksums using commands similar to those called out earlier for the source tarball
gpg2  --armor --output apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz.asc --detach-sig apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz
openssl md5 apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz > apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz.md5
openssl dgst -sha512 apache-tez-${RELEASE_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz > apache-tez-{x.y.z${RELEASE_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz.sha512
# SignModify releasethe and create checksums using commands similargenerated files to thoseleave calledonly outthe earliersignatures forin the source tarball



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