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The Apache Taverna (incubating) project are pleased to announce the release of:

  • apache-taverna-commandline 3.1.0-incubating
  • apache-taverna-engine

This is a DRAFT article for discussion purposes only.

Apache Taverna Engine
  • 3.1.0-incubating
, Apache Taverna Activities
  • apache-taverna-commonactivities 2.1.0-incubating

This is the first major release of Apache Taverna since joining the incubator,

Apache Taverna CommandLine 3

following two library releases which this relies on.

Taverna Command-line

Apache Taverna Command-line Tool 3.1.0-


Revised 2016-06-30


Apache Taverna Engine

incubating enables you to run Taverna workflows from a command prompt or shell script. Workflow results can be saved either to a folder or a Research Object bundle including detailed provenance.

The Command-line Tool can run workflows defined with Apache Taverna Language in SCUFL2 format (.wfbundle). In addition, you can execute many Taverna 2 workflows (.t2flow) , depending on which activities they require.

Support for executing Common Workflow Language workflows is planned. Please contact the dev@taverna mailing list for details.

Taverna Java API

Taverna Command-line Tool is based on the below Taverna libraries, which developers can also use separately:

Apache Taverna Engine 3.1.0-incubating executes Taverna workflows, defined using Apache Taverna Language or Taverna 2's .t2flow format,


and provides OSGi services for monitoring and controlling the detailed execution of workflow.  

Apache Taverna Common Activities 2.1.0-incubating provide bindings for the Taverna Engine to invoke activities such as command line tools (local/ssh), Beanshell scripts,  REST and WSDL services, spreadsheet import and user interactions.


Apache Taverna Command-line Tool provides a shell command for executing Taverna workflows, with output of results to either a folder or a Research Object bundle including detailed provenance. In addition to the Taverna Common Activities, the Command-line  supports plugins using Taverna OSGi services

In addition the above relies on these libraries which have been released earlier:


Apache Taverna OSGi 0.2.1-incubating is a plugin system for Java console and desktop applications using OSGi, including an online update mechanism.

Apache Taverna Language is a Java API that gives programmatic access to inspecting, modifying and converting SCUFL2 workflow definitions and Research Object Bundles.

New Features

(1) Improved WSDL support

This release adds improved WSDL support using Apache Woden. The code has two parsers (wsdl 1.1 based on WSDL4j and 2.0 based on Woden) that implement a common interface (inherited from “wsdl-generic” based on AXIS 1.4). The service execution part is based on embedded JAX-WS API, but given that this part is calling the abstract interface, there shouldn’t be a significant change.


(1) TBD

Removed / Retired Features

(1) Activities

These activities were part of the alpha release (3.0.a2), but ARE NO LONGER supportedare no longer supported in Apache Taverna.

– RShell
– Soaplab
– Biomart

They are now maintained (??) separately Their source code is available separately as part of the Taverna Plugin Bioinformatics and Taverna Extras(What does this mean? Will they be part of a future release?)

This should be moved to a second release notes for the next release of Engine/Activities/CommandLine

Bug Fixes

TAVERNA-874 Mvn clean package fails to run


See change notes: TBD

Known Issues

Are there any known issues we should list here?

Issue 1




Installation Information

Source Code Name Changes

Package names have changed to org.apache.taverna.* and source code has been reorganized.


Java 1.8 or newer (tested with OpenJDK 1.8)
Apache Maven 3.2.5 or newer (older versions probably also work)



Stay Informed

Please subscribe to and contact the dev@taverna mailing list for any questions, suggestions, and discussions about Apache Taverna.

Bugs and feature plannings plans are tracked in the JIRA Issue tracker under the TAVERNA component Taverna Languagecorresponding components. Anyone may add, comment or work on an issue.!