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  1. cd /root/incubator-metron/metron-deployment/inventory
  2. create a directory called $INSTALL_CONF_DIRECTORY that will hold all of your metron deployment configuration
  3. Copy the sample configs into the new directory:
    1. cp - R /root/incubator-metron/metron-deployment/inventory/metron-example/* /root/incubator-metron/metron-deployment/inventory/$INSTALL_CONF_DIRECTORY
  4. Setup your inventory hosts by editing the file $METRON_HOME/metron-deployment/inventory/$INSTALL_CONF_DIRECTORY/hosts
    1. Configure with your cluster details by defining which hosts the  Metron services will be installed on by updating these groups:

      [ambari_master] - host running Ambari
      [ambari_slaves] - all Ambari-managed hosts
      [metron_hbase_tables] - host used to create the HBase tables required by Metron. Requires a HBase client.
      [metron_kafka_topics] - host used to create the Kafka topics required by Metron. Requires a Kafka broker.
      [enrichment] - submits the topology code to Storm and requires a Storm client
      [search] - host(s) where Elasticsearch will be installed
      [web] - host where the Metron UI and underlying services will be installed
      [sensors] - host where network data will be collected and published to Kafka


    2. Setup your environment configuration by editing the file $METRON_HOME/metron-deployment/inventory/$INSTALL_CONF_DIRECTORY/group_vars/allall 
      1. Commonly Used Settings:


              • ansible_ssh_private_key_file: /Path/to/private/key/file


              •  Point to the private key file for ssh user on the target hosts
              • ansible_ssh_user: root


              •  The name of the ssh user on the target hosts (requires sudo)


              • ambari_port: 8080


              •  Change if your Ambari instance uses a non-default port
              • ambari_user: admin


              •  Change to user on your Ambari instance
              • ambari_password: admin


              •  Change to password for your Ambari user above


              • num_partitions: 3


              •  Change to your desired number of partitions
              • retention_in_gb: 25


              •  Change to your desired retention size


              • java_home: /usr/jdk64/jdk1.8.0_40


              •  Location of Java on all hosts


              • sensor_test_mode: True


              •  Change to false if not running traffic replay
              • sniff_interface: eth0


              •  Interface that the Metron sensors will sniff on the [sensors] host


              • elasticsearch_network_interface: eth0  Bind interface for the Elasticsearch host(s)
    1. Ensure that you do't have duplicate entries of sniff_interface



Install/Deploy Metron to the Cluster
