Versions Compared


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P2P 拓扑结构是最基本的 Geode 部署网络结构. 在这个配置中, 每一个成员直接与分布式系统中其他的成员进行通信. 新的成员广播它们的连接信息到所有运行的成员. 现有的成员响应新成员的建立连接的请求. 此配置一个典型的例子是在一个应用服务器集群中, 一个应用实例与一个Geode 服务器位于同一个 JVM 上. 此配置如下图所示.

Peer to peer image


The Client Server topology is the most commonly used topology for Geode installations. In this configuration, applications communicate with the Geode servers using a Geode client. The Geode client consists of a set of code that executes in the same process as the application. The client defines a connection pool for managing connectivity to Geode servers and may also provide a local cache to keep selected Geode data in process with the application. New Geode servers starting up will contact a locator to join the distributed system and be added to the membership view. The locators in a Geode system server to coordinate the membership of the system and provide load balancing for Geode clients. This configuration is illustrated in the following diagram.

客户端-服务器拓扑是 Geode 安装最通用的一种拓扑结构. 在这个配置中, 应用与Geode服务器进行通信使用Geode 客户端. Geode 客户端由一些代码组成, 与应用在相同的进程中. 客户端定义了一个连接池来管理 Geode 服务器的连接, 也能提供一个本地缓存来为应用管理数据. 新的Geode 服务器启动将联系一个 locator 用于加入分布式系统, 同时添加到成员关系视图中. 在一个 Geode 系统服务器中 Locator 用于协调整个系统的成员关系, 同时提供Geode客户端请求的负载均衡. 此配置如下图所示.

注意: 本文章主要关注于拓扑结构的网络配置NOTE: this paper focuses on network configuration in the context of this topology.

Client server topology

Geode 网络特性

Geode is a distributed, in-memory data platform designed to provide extreme performance and high levels of availability. In its most common deployment configurations, Geode makes extensive use of network resources for data distribution, system management and client request processing. As a result, network performance and reliability can have a significant impact on Geode.
