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Committer Announce 


Optional Prerequisite

The process would be run more smoothly if the candidate has signed the ICLA and transferred the scan-copy to as a reference.

Sum Contributions of The Candidate

Ask the candidate to draft a summary of his/her contribution, including JIRA tickets, Pull Requests, discussions, documentations, etc.

Discuss for Voting

The the summary from the candidate and compose an email as the following:

Code Block
titlediscuss for voting
### adding a new committer and adding the candidate to PPMC could be a joint vote during incubation, so the email subject should clarify it's adding 
### a committer, or to PPMC, or for both, adjust the content enclosed by "###OPTIONAL: ###" accordingly. 
Subject: [DISCUSS] shall we vote for adding candidate ###NAME### as a new committer ###OPTIONAL: adding to PPMC###

We are fortunate to have had a new committed contributor ###NAME###, 
and I'd like to take this chance to have your valuable opinion about: 
shall we call a vote for adding this candidate as a new committer of 
Apache Eagle (incubating), meanwhile, is it appropriate to add him to 

### add brief introduction of the candidate about his/her contributions, below is just a sample ###
Since ###TIME###, ###NAME### started his contribution for eagle, in 
ways of actively communicating and coding. So far, he has been involved 
in many features of the projects including Map-Reduce Job monitoring, 
Spark Job monitoring, Hive Security monitoring, and also fixed a few 
building issues. Not only his insight and good ability at developing 
have brought the project extra productivity, his enthusiasm in programming 
will also benefit the community.
###NAME###'s great contributions could be found:
- Jira Tickets:
- Github Pull Requests:


Call Vote

The discussion for voting should get agreed before calling the vote. For we haven't found official pass criterion for such discussions, we just consider 3+ agreements and 0 disagreement as PASS.

Then call a vote for adding the candidate as a committer or to join PPMC or for both, using the following template to compose the voting email:

Code Block
titlecall vote
### adding a new committer and adding the candidate to PPMC could be a joint vote during incubation, so the email subject should clarify it's adding 
### a committer, or to PPMC, or for both, adjust the content enclosed by "###OPTIONAL: ###" accordingly.  
Subject: [VOTE] add candidate ###NAME### as a new committer ###OPTIONAL: and to PPMC###

I'd like to take this chance to call the vote for inviting committed 
contributor ###NAME### as a new committer of Apache Eagle (incubating), 
and also add him/her to PPMC. 

### add brief introduction of the candidate about his/her contributions, below is just a sample ###
Since ###TIME###, ###NAME### started his contribution for eagle, in ways 
of actively communicating and coding. So far, he has been involved in 
many features of the project including but not limited to Map-Reduce Job 
monitoring, Spark Job monitoring, Hive Security monitoring, and he also 
participated widely in design discussion, and bug fixing endeavors. Not 
only his insight and solid technical skills have brought the project extra 
productivity, his enthusiasm in programming and continuous contribution 
also benefits the community and is believed to guide Eagle project to the 
next level.

Here is a list of his great contributions:
- Jira Tickets:
- Github Pull Requests:

The discussion made for calling this vote could be found in the forwarded
emails at the bottom.

Please make your valuable evaluation on whether we could invite him as a 
committer and add him/her to PPMC:
[ +1 ] Agree to add him/her as a committer of eagle, also to PPMC.
[  0 ] Have no sense.
[ -1 ] Disagree to add him/her as a committer of eagle or to PPMC, because .....

This vote starts from the moment of sending and will be open for 1 week.

Thanks and best regards,

Inform IPMC

Forward the vote email to IPMC for their reference.

Finish Vote

Wait until the vote time is up and have got at least 3 +1 and 0 -1 votes. Then send a RESULT of the vote by modifying the subject, adding [RESULT] next to [VOTE] syntax, and using the following template to summarize the vote:

Code Block
titlefinish vote
### subject should keep the same as the original content, except for adding "[RESULT]" next to "[VOTE]"  
Subject: [VOTE][RESULT] add candidate ###NAME### as a new committer ###OPTIONAL: and to PPMC###

Voting time is up now, big thanks to all who have been involved and voted 
for the candidate. 
In this process, we got ###NUMBER### +1 votes (without -1 vote) from ###VOTERS-SEPARATED-BY-COMMA### 
in the past ###NUMBER### days, which permitted PASS result of it. 
Depending on the this vote result, I'll send an invitation email to ###NAME### soon. Thanks.

Thanks and best regards,

Inform IPMC Again

Forward the vote result email to IPMC.

Send Invitation to The Candidate

Send an invitation email to candidate (CC private), using the following template:

Code Block
titlefinish vote
### should adjust the subject accordingly
Subject: [INVITATION] Invite to become Eagle committer & PPMC member: ###NAME###
Hello ###NAME###,

The Eagle Project Management Committee (PMC) 
hereby offers you committer and PPMC privileges to the project.

These privileges are offered on the understanding that  
you'll use them reasonably and with common sense. 
We like to work on trust rather than unnecessary constraints.

Being a committer enables you to more easily make 
changes without needing to go through the patch 
submission process. 

Being a committer does not require you to 
participate any more than you already do. It does 
tend to make one even more committed.  You will 
probably find that you spend more time here.

Of course, you can decline and instead remain as a 
contributor, participating as you do now.

A. This personal invitation is a chance for you to 
accept or decline in private.  Either way, please 
let us know in reply to the []
address only.
B. If you are accepting, the next step is to register 
an iCLA with the Apache Software Foundation:
    1. Details of the iCLA and the forms are found 
    through this link: <>.
    2. The form (text or PDF version) provides 
    instructions for its completion and return to 
    the Secretary of the ASF.
    3. When you transmit the completed iCLA, request 
    to notify the Apache [Project] and choose a 
    unique Apache id. Look to see if your preferred 
    id is already taken at     
    This will allow the Secretary to notify the PMC 
    when your iCLA has been recorded.

When recording of your iCLA is noticed, you will 
receive a follow-up message with the next steps for 
establishing you as a committer.

###SENDER-NAME### on behalf of Apache Eagle PPMC

Inform PMCs

Wait for the response to the invitation, and forward the response to

Committer Announce 

Announce the new committer's joining, using the following template:

Code Block
Subject: [ANNOUNCE]new committer: ###NAME###

The Project Management Committee (PMC) for Apache Eagle
has asked ###NAME### to become a committer and we are pleased 
to announce that they have accepted.

### add specific details here ###
Being a committer enables easier contribution to the
project since there is no need to go via the patch
submission process. This should enable better productivity.
Being a PMC member enables assistance with the management
and to guide the direction of the project.
Please join me to welcome ###NAME###.

@###NAME###, please share with us a little about yourself.

Hao Chen

On behalf of the Apache Eagle PPMC