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Get all annotations of the given type at the specified offsets, i.e. all annotations with exactly the given start and end offset.

MS: Does this mean covered-by (limit the FSs returned) or startAt - no limit?

REC: It does not mean covered-by because only annotations at the exact specified offset are returned. If there are multiple annotations at the given offset, then all of the specified type are returned.

selectAt(JCas, Class<T>, int, int)
Code Block
languagejava, end3)

Get a list of annotations of the given annotation type located between two annotations. Does not use subiterators and does not respect type priorities. Zero-width annotations what lie on the borders are included in the result, e.g. if the boundary annotations are [1..2] and [2..3] then an annotation [2..2] is returned. If there is a non-zero overlap between the boundary annotations, the result is empty. The method properly handles cases where the second boundary annotations occurs before the first boundary annotation by switching their roles.


The covering annotation is never returned itself, even if it is of the queried-for type or a subtype of that type.

MS: Not sure why this is special-cased?

REC: Because the covering annotation itself would always be included in the result and it is almost never needed. So handling it specifically (since we already know it) is easier than tediously filtering it out from the result in 99.9% of the cases. 

selectCovered(Class<T>, AnnotationFS)


selectFollowing(JCas, Class<T>, AnnotationFS, int)
Code Block
// Initial brainstorming // it is IMHO not entirely clear here that contextAnnotation is not included in the result... // somehow too complex...
// Suggestion MS, fs)  // the 10 FSs >= fs, fs, -3) // the 10 FSs >= { fs , after a -3 offset }, 10, 100)  // the 3 FSs < a bounding FS with begin=10, end=100, in reverse order(?)

// Suggestion REC 1, 10)  // the 10 FSs >= fs, 10, -3) // the 10 FSs >= { fs , after a -3 offset }, 100, 3)  // the 3 FSs < a bounding FS with begin=10, end=100, in reverse order(?)

// Suggestion REC 2  // the 10 FSs >= fs // the 10 FSs >= { fs , after a -3 offset }, 100).select(Token.class).preceding(3)  // the 3 FSs < a bounding FS with begin=10, end=100, in reverse order(?)

// Suggestion REC 3, fs).following(10)  // the 10 FSs >= fs, fs).skip(-3).following(10) // the 10 FSs >= { fs , after a -3 offset }, 10, 100).preceding(3)  // the 3 FSs < a bounding FS with begin=10, end=100, in reverse order(?)

REC: I would put the context to the front and the conditions to the back...


Returns the n annotations preceding the given annotation.
