Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



Code Block
<service><routes><route path=“/example/**"

  • This tells the gateway that all requests starting starting with /example/ are handled by this service.
  • Due to a limitation this will not include requests to /example (i.e. no trailing /) so we need another rule for that
  • The ** means zero or more paths similar to Ant.
  • The scheme, host, port, gateway and topology components are not included (e.g. https://localhost:8443/gateway/sandbox)
  • Routes can, but typically don’t, take query parameters into account.
  • In this simple form there is no direct relationship between the route path and the rewrite rules!

Code Block
        <policy role="webappsec"/>
        <policy role="authentication"name="Anonymous"/>
        <policy role="rewrite"/>
        <policy role="authorization"/>
  • This sets up the policies (providers) to be used by this specific service. This overrides the topology level providers for the same role. Here for instance the "Anonymous" authentication provider is key. If you do not add this list of policies here, you need to either have a topology file with an Anonymous authentication provider specified or get challenged for authentication in the browser depending on what authentication mechanism you choose.


Code Block
    <dispatch classname="org.apache.hadoop.gateway.dispatch.PassAllHeadersDispatch"/>


  • This service specifies a special Dispatch that passes through all the headers and unlike the default dispatch that is used for REST API invocations, this dispatch does not attempt to do any authentication or kerberos handshake on behalf of the original request. 



The rewrite.xml is configuration that drives the rewrite provider within Knox. It is important to understand that at runtime for a given topology, all of the rewrite.xml files for all active services are combined into a single file. This explains some of the seemingly complex patterns and naming conventions.


Code Block
<rules><rule dir="IN"
  • Here dir means direction and IN means it should apply to a request.
  • This rule is a global rule meaning that any other service can request that a URL be rewritten as they process URLs. The rewrite provider keeps distinct trees of URL patterns for IN and OUT rules so that services can be specific about which to apply.
  • If it were not global it would not have a direction and probably not a pattern in the element.
