1) Many data Infra tools comes up with Rest Interface. It is useful to have inbuilt Rest API support for Produce,
Consume messages and admin interface for integrating with external management tools.
2) Shipping Kafka Rest Server as part of a normal Kafka release makes it immediately available to every user that downloads Kafka.
3) Helps to maintain the version compatibility between kafka Kafka and Rest APIsServer.
Some of the good practices and ideas will be borrowed from existing tools.
Proposed Changes
Admin API and Security Integration:
Public Interfaces
Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan
Main Reason for this KIP is to add Rest Server to Kafka. Shipping Kafka Rest Server as part of a normal Kafka release
makes it immediately available to every user that downloads Kafka. Also helps to maintain the version ccompatibilitycompatibility
between Kafka clients and Rest APIsServer.