Versions Compared


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Note: these steps have been tested on MacOS 10.11.6.




A virtual machine, or VM, is a software program that exhibits the behavior of a separate computer and is capable of running applications and programs within its own environment.


  1.  Change your current directory to ambari-vagrant:

    Code Block
    cd ambari-vagrant

    If you run an ls command on the ambari-vagrant directory, you will see subdirectories for several different operating systems and operating system versions.

  2. cd into the OS subdirectory for the OS you wish to use. CentOS is recommended, because it is quicker to launch than other operating systems.

    The remainder of this example uses CentOS 7.0 . (To install and use a different version or distribution of Linux, specify the other directory name in place of centos7.0.)

    Code Block
    cd centos7.0

    Important: All VM vagrant commands operate within your current directory. Be sure to run them from the local (Mac) subdirectory associated with the VM operating system that you have chosen to use. If you attempt to run a vagrant command from another directory, it will not find the VM.

    Copy the private key into the directory associated with the chosen operating system.
    For this example, which uses centos7.0 , issue the following command:

    Code Block
    cp ~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key .
  3. (Optional) If you have at least 16 GB of memory on your Mac, consider increasing the amount of memory allocated to the VMs.
    Edit the following line in Vagrantfile , increasing allocated memory from 3072 to 4096 or more; for example:

    Code Block
    vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", 4096] # RAM allocated to each VM
  4. Every virtual machine will have a directory called /vagrant inside the VM. This corresponds to the ambari-vagrant/<os> directory on your local computer, making it easy to transfer files back and forth between your host Mac and the virtual machine. If you have any files to access from within the VM, you can place them in this shared directory.

  5. Start one or more VMs, using the ./ command. Each VM will run one HDP node. Recommendation: if you have at least 16GB of RAM on your Mac and wish to run a small cluster, start with three nodes.

    Code Block
    ./ <# of VMs to launch>

    Additional notes:
    - The default Vagrantfile (in each OS subdirectory) can create up to 10 virtual machines.
    - The fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) for each VM has the format <os-code>[01-10], where <os-code> is c59 (CentOS 5.9), c64 (CentOS 6.4), etc. For example, will be the FQDN for node 01 running CentOS 5.9.
    - The IP address for each VM has the format 192.168.<os-subnet>.1[01-10], where <os-subnet> is 64 for CentOS 6.4, 70 for CentOS 7.0, and so on. For example, will be the IP address for CentOS 7.0 node c7001.

    For example, the following command starts 3 VMs:
    ./ 3

    For CentOS 7.0, the associated hostnames will be c7001, c7002, and c7003. Note that the 3 command is equivalent to vagrant up c700{1..3}.

  6. Check the status of your VM(s). The following example shows the results of ./upsh 3 for three VMs running with CentOS 7.0:

    Code Block
    LMBP:centos6.4 lkg$ vagrant status
    Current machine states:
    c7001                     running (virtualbox)
    c7002                     running (virtualbox)
    c7003                     running (virtualbox)
    c7004                     not created (virtualbox)
    c7005                     not created (virtualbox)
    c7006                     not created (virtualbox)
    c7007                     not created (virtualbox)
    c7008                     not created (virtualbox)
    c7009                     not created (virtualbox)
    c7010                     not created (virtualbox)

    Your virtual machines are now installed and running.


Access Virtual Machines

Use the following steps when you want to access a running virtual machine:


A Vagrant snapshot saves the current state of a VM so that you can restart the VM from the same point at a future time. Vagrant makes it easy to take snapshots of the entire cluster. First, install

  1. Install the snapshot plugin:

    Code Block
    vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbox-snapshot --plugin-version=0.0.2

    This enables the “vagrant snapshot” command. Note that the above installs version 0.0.2, which allows you to take snapshots of the whole cluster at the same time. Later versions do not support this feature.

  2. Run vagrant snapshot to see the syntax. Run vagrant snapshot <command> -h for more information about a specific command. Here is a summary of commands:

    vagrant snapshot back # restore most recent snapshot

    vagrant snapshot delete <SNAPSHOT_NAME> # delete specified snapshot

    vagrant snapshot go [vm-name] <SNAPSHOT_NAME> # restore specified snapshot

    vagrant snapshot list # list snapshots
    vagrant snapshot take [vm-name] <SNAPSHOT_NAME> # take a snapshot, labeled by SNAPSHOT_NAME

The plugin attempts to take a snapshot of all VMs configured in Vagrantfile. To avoid attempts to snapshot nonexistent VMs, comment out the nonexistent VMs in Vagrantfile. For example, if you have three VMs running you can comment out c70 Note that the plugin tries to take a snapshot of all VMs configured in Vagrantfile. If you are always using 3 VMs, for example, you can comment out c64[04-10] in Vagrantfile so that the snapshot commands only operate on c64c70[01-03].

Note: Upon resuming a snapshot, you may find that time-sensitive services may be down (e.g, HBase RegionServer is down, etc.). If this happens, you will need to restart those services.

Recommendation: After you start the VMs--Tip: After starting the VMs but before you do run anything on the VMs, --run "vagrant snapshot take init".  This way, you can go back to the initial state of the VMs by running "vagrant snapshot go init"; this only takes seconds (much faster than starting the VMs up from scratch by using or "vagrant up").  Another advantage of this is that you can always go back to the initial state without destroying other named snapshots that you created.
