Versions Compared


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Code Block
   * Set page size for a query result. The default page size is 0 which means no pagination.
   * If specified negative value, throw IllegalArgumentException
   * @param pageSize
   * @return itself
  LuceneQueryFactory setPageSize(int pageSize);
   * Set max limit of result for a query
   * If specified limit is less or equal to zero, throw IllegalArgumentException
   * @param limit
   * @return itself
  LuceneQueryFactory setResultLimit(int limit);
   * Set a list of fields for result projection.
   * @param fieldNames
   * @return itself
  LuceneQueryFactory setProjectionFields(String... fieldNames);
   * Create wrapper object for lucene's QueryParser object using default standard analyzer.
   * The queryString is using lucene QueryParser's syntax. QueryParser is for easy-to-use 
   * with human understandable syntax. 
   * @param regionName region name
   * @param indexName index name
   * @param queryString query string in lucene QueryParser's syntax
   * @param K the key type in the query results
   * @param V the value type in the query results
   * @return LuceneQuery object
   * @throws ParseException
  public <K, V> LuceneQuery<K, V> create(String indexName, String regionName, String queryString) 
      throws ParseException;
   * Creates a wrapper object for Lucene's Query object. This {@link LuceneQuery} builder method could be used in
   * advanced cases, such as cases where Lucene's Query object construction needs Lucene's API over query string. The
   * {@link QueryDeserializer} will be used to re-construct the Lucene Query object on remote hosts.
   * @param indexName index name
   * @param regionName region name
   * @param provider constructs and provides a Lucene Query object
   * @param K the key type in the query results
   * @param V the value type in the query results
   * @return LuceneQuery object
  public <K, V> LuceneQuery<K, V> create(String indexName, String regionName, LuceneQueryProvider provider);

 * The instances of this class will be used for distributing Lucene Query objects and re-constructing the Query object.
 * If necessary the implementation needs to take care of serializing and de-serializing Lucene Query object. Geode
 * respects the DataSerializable contract to provide optimal object serialization. For instance,
 * {@link LuceneQueryProvider}'s toData method will be used to serialize it when it is sent to another member of the
 * distributed system. Implementation of DataSerializable can provide a zero-argument constructor that will be invoked
 * when they are read with DataSerializer.readObject.
public interface LuceneQueryProvider extends Serializable {
   * @return A Lucene Query object which could be used for executing Lucene Search on indexed data
   * @param The local lucene index the query is being constructed against.
   * @throws QueryException if the provider fails to construct the query object
  public Query getQuery(LuceneIndex index) throws QueryException;


Code Block
 * Provides wrapper object of Lucene's Query object and execute the search. 
 * <p>Instances of this interface are created using
 * {@link LuceneQueryFactory#create}.
public interface LuceneQuery {
   * Execute the search and return keys. 
  public Collection<K> findKeys();
   * Execute the search and return values. 
  public Collection<V> findValues();

   * Execute the search and return list of LuceneResultStruct. 
  public List<LuceneResultStruct<K,V>> findResults();

   * Execute the search and get results. 
  public PageableLuceneQueryResults<K,V> findPages();
   * Get page size setting of current query. 
  public int getPageSize();
   * Get limit size setting of current query. 
  public int getLimit();
   * Get projected fields setting of current query. 
  public String[] getProjectedFieldNames();


Code Block
   * Return the value associated with the given field name
   * @param fieldName the String name of the field
   * @return the value associated with the specified field
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If this struct does not have a field named fieldName
  public Object getProjectedField(String fieldName);
   * Return key of the entry
   * @return key
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If this struct does not contain key
  public Object getKey();
   * Return value of the entry
   * @return value the whole domain object
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If this struct does not contain value
  public Object getValue();
   * Return score of the query 
   * @return score
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If this struct does not contain score
  public Double getScore();


Code Block
// Get LuceneService
LuceneService luceneService = LuceneServiceProvider.get(cache);

// Create Index on fields with default analyzer:
luceneService.createIndex(indexName, regionName, "field1", "field2", "field3");

// create index on fields with specified analyzer:
Map<String, Analyzer> analyzerPerField = new HashMap<String, Analyzer>();
analyzerPerfield.put("field1", new StandardAnalyzer());
analyzerPerfield.put("field2", new KeywardAnalyzer());
luceneService.createIndex(indexName, regionName, analyzerPerField);
Region region = cache.createRegionFactory(RegionShutcut.PARTITION).create(regionName);

// Create Query
LuceneQuery query = luceneService.createLuceneQueryFactory().setLimit(200).setPageSize(20)
  .create(indexName, regionName, querystring, "field1" /* default field */);

// Search using Query
PageableLuceneQueryResults<K,Object> results = query.findPages();

// Pagination
while (results.hasNext()) { -> {
    Object value = struct.getValue();
    System.out.println("Key is "+struct.getKey()+", value is "+value);


Gfsh API

(Not Yet Implemented)


Code Block
// List Index
gfsh> list lucene indexes [with-stats]
// Create Index
gfsh> create lucene index --name=indexName --region=/orders --field=customer,tags

// Create Index
gfsh> create lucene index --name=indexName --region=/orders --field=customer,tags --analyzer=org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer,

// Destory Index
gfsh> destroy lucene index --name=indexName --region=/orders

Execute Lucene query
gfsh> search lucene --regionName=/orders -queryStrings="John*" --defaultField=field1 --limit=100


XML Configuration 


Code Block

    <region name="region" refid="PARTITION">
        <lucene:index name="index">
          <lucene:field name="a" analyzer="org.apache.lucene.analysis.core.KeywordAnalyzer"/>
          <lucene:field name="b" analyzer="org.apache.lucene.analysis.core.SimpleAnalyzer"/>
          <lucene:field name="c" analyzer="org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.ClassicAnalyzer"/>



TBD - But using solr to provide a REST API might make a lot of sense

Spring Data GemFire Support

TBD - But the Searchable annotation described in this blog might be a good place to start.

Implementation Flowchart

