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Repository metadata layout


For legacy clients, we need to maintain the current maven-metadata.xml files, however, for newer clients we will provide a more flexible metadata index using JSON. In order to allow for metadata evolution, the JSON format will be subject to the following restrictions:

  • Consumers must ignore unknown keys
  • Producers must preserve unknown keys

The basic format will be something like:

Code Block
  "group":[ // present if there are any artifacts deployed using the repo path as groupId
  "artifact":[ // present if there are any artifacts deployed using the repo path as groupId:artifactId[:platformId]
  "org.apache.maven:plugins":[ // this is a Maven specific key, hence namespaced

Tool specific keys must be prefixed by the top level groupId of the tool to which they are scoped. Each tool is responsible for the structure within that key and how to handle evolution of that structure.

Some examples: would be:

Code Block
      "name": "Release From My Machine Maven Plugin"
      "prefix": "rfmm"
      "artifactId": "rfmm-maven-plugin"