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      EIP-1.15.1 Support select output stream according to SiddhiQL instead of forcing user to input, by default OUTPUT_STREAM_LIST = ALL_STREAM_LIST - INPUT_STREAM_LIST


      EIP-1.15.2 Refactor layout as: Basic (Name, Desc) -> Policy Definition (Siddhi)  ->  Connect From (Automatically generate according to query and support edit partition per stream)  -> Alert On (select from output stream) -> Publish To (Select Publisher)


      EIP-1.15.3 Create Publisher in Popup Dialog and Add Publisher list page

    •  EIP-1.15.4 Add SQL-Syntax highlight editor and automatically for SQ (Hao Chen will provide query explain API)
    •  EIP-1.15.5 [Detail Require] Support Add Customized Stream on UI, currently only support Kafka
    •  EIP-1.15.6 [Detail Require] Support ElasticsSearch/Eagle Publisher and Do visualization with Kibana/Eagle Dashboard? Which is another typical use case.
  •  EIP-1.16 Application Integration
    •  EIP-1.16.1 Show Installation (Active)/Settings when installing application
    •  EIP-1.16.2 Show Summary (Active)/Settings when clicking on installed application
    •  EIP-1.16.3 Show Summary /Settings (Active) when clicking on application configuration edit button.
    •  EIP-1.16.4 Show confirm dialog for any application operation (install/uninstall/start/stop)
    •  EIP-1.16.5 [API Require] Support options type as value and display as drop-down options, for example kafka serializer, should provide some default options like string/json.
    •  EIP-1.16.6 Support default value template in configuration descriptor like "kafka.topic" = "hdfs_audit_log_${siteId}" and show as "kafka.topic" = "hdfs_audit_log_sandbox"
      •  siteId
      •  AppType
  •  EIP-1.17 Navigator
    •  EIP-1.17.1 Add sites drop down switcher when enter certain site, the target is same app ui, if not installed then redirect to site home.
    •  EIP-1.17.2 [API Require] Add alerts ( show certain site's triggerered alerts/registered policies) app 
  •  EIP-1.18 Per-site Portal
    •  EIP-1.18.1 [API Require]  /sites/{$siteId}/alerts: Add per-site alert page as the view of alert engine
    •  EIP-1.18.2 [API Require]  /sites/${siteId}/apps: Add default per-site applications page  like home with Summary (including some basic introduction and application monitoring status/dashboards) /Settings Tabs as well with Actions Buttons/Options
    •  EIP-1.18.3  [API Require] site-level configurations: /sites/${siteId}/settings (low priority)
      •  EIP- [API Require] For each site, we should enable/disable some features like HDFS/YARN/HBase/Spark, in backend different features will require different site-level configurations, for example HDFS will require Namenode URL, YARN requires resource manager URL, HBase requires HBase Master Url, etc. so that a Site's Settings could require user to define required setting fields, and display as quick link of the site. In future, this settings may also be part of the application execution configurtation so no need to repeat setting site-level configurations per  new application 
