Versions Compared


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To this end, one of the goals of replv2 would be that we manage our own staging directories, and instead of replication tools being the ones that move data over, we step in more proactively to pull the data from the source to the destination.


Consider the following series of operations:

CREATE TABLE blah (a int) PARTITIONED BY (b string);

Now, for each operation that occurs, a monotonically increasing state-id is provided by DbNotificationListener, so that we have an ability to order those events by when they occurred. For the sake of simplicity, let's say they occurred at states 10,20,30,40 respectively, in order.

Now, if there were another thread running "SELECT * from blah;" from another thread, then depending on when the SELECT command ran, it would have differing results:

  1. If it ran before 10, then the table does not yet exist, and will return an error.
  2. If it ran between 10 & 20, then the table exists, but has no contents, and thus, it will return an empty set.
  3. If it ran between 20 & 30, then it will return { (a,5) }
  4. If it ran between 30 & 40, then it will return { (a,5) , (b,10) } , i.e. 2 rows.
  5. If it ran after 40, then it will return { (a,5) , (b,10) , (a,15) }.

Now, the problem with the state transfer approach of current replication as it occurs is that if we replicate these sequence of events from source to a destination warehouse, it is entirely likely that the very first time EXPORT runs on the table is quite a while after the event has occurred, say at around event 500. At this point of time, if it tries to export the state of the partition (p="a"), then it will capture all the changes that have occurred till that point.

Let us denote the event of processing an event E to replicate E from source to destination as PROC(E). Thus, PROC(10) would denote the processing of event 10 from source to destination.

Now, let us look at the same select * behaviour we observed on the source as it occurs on the destination.

  1. If the select * runs before PROC(10), then we get an error, since the table has not yet been created.
  2.  If the select * runs between PROC(10) & PROC(20), then it will result in the partition p="a") being impressed over.
    1. If PROC(20) occurs before 40 has occurred, then it will return { (a,5) }
    2. If PROC(20) occurs after 40 has occurred, then it will return { (a,5) , (a,15) } - This is because the partition state captured by PROC(20) will occur after 40, and thus contain (a,15), but partition p="b" has not yet been re-impressed because we haven't yet re-impressed that partition, which will occur only at PROC(30).

We stop our examination at this point, because we see one possible outcome from the select * on the destination which was impossible at the source. This is the problem introduced by state-transfer that we term rubber-banding(nomenclature coming in from online games which deal with each individual player having different latencies, and the server having to reconcile updates in a staggered/stuttering fashion)

State-transfer has a few good things going for it, such as being resilient and idempotent, but it introduces this problem of temporary states that are possible which never existed in the source, and this is a big no-no for load-balancing use-cases where the destination db is not simply a cold backup but a db that is actively being used for reads.// TODO

Change management

// TODO 
