Versions Compared


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Comment: Updated with limits, recent items and approval operations


  • getVersions - Gets supported Salesforce REST API versions
  • getResources - Gets available Salesforce REST Resource endpoints
  • getGlobalObjects - Gets metadata for all available SObject types
  • getBasicInfo - Gets basic metadata for a specific SObject type
  • getDescription - Gets comprehensive metadata for a specific SObject type
  • getSObject - Gets an SObject using its Salesforce Id
  • createSObject - Creates an SObject
  • updateSObject - Updates an SObject using Id
  • deleteSObject - Deletes an SObject using Id
  • getSObjectWithId - Gets an SObject using an external (user defined) id field
  • upsertSObject - Updates or inserts an SObject using an external id
  • deleteSObjectWithId - Deletes an SObject using an external id
  • query - Runs a Salesforce SOQL query
  • queryMore - Retrieves more results (in case of large number of results) using result link returned from the 'query' API
  • search - Runs a Salesforce SOSL query
  • limits - fetching organization API usage limits

  • recent - fetching recently viewed items

  • approval - submit a record or records (batch) for approval process

  • approvals - fetch a list of all approval processes

For example, the following producer endpoint uses the upsertSObject API, with the sObjectIdName parameter specifying 'Name' as the external id field.
The request message body should be an SObject DTO generated using the maven plugin.
The response message will either be null if an existing record was updated, or CreateSObjectResult with an id of the new record, or a list of errors while creating the new object.


Code Block
		.to(new ContentProcessor())     // convert bytes from the file into a ContentVersion SObject 
										// for the salesforce component

Using Salesforce Limits API

With salesforce:limits operation you can fetch of API limits from Salesforce and then act upon that data received. The result of salesforce:limits operation is mapped to org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.api.dto.Limits class and can be used in a custom processors or expressions.

For instance, consider that you need to limit the API usage of Salesforce so that 10% of daily API requests is left for other routes. The body of output message contains an instance of org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.api.dto.Limits object that can be used in conjunction with Content Based Router and Spring Expression Language (SpEL) to choose when to perform queries. Notice how multiplying 1.0 with the integer value held in body.dailyApiRequests.remaining makes the expression evaluate as with floating point arithmetic, without it - it would end up making integral division which would result with either 0 (some API limits consumed) or 1 (no API limits consumed).

Code Block
    .when(spel("#{1.0 * body.dailyApiRequests.remaining / body.dailyApiRequests.max < 0.1}"))
        .setBody(constant("Used up Salesforce API limits, leaving 10% for critical routes"))

Working with approvals

All the properties are named exactly the same as in the Salesforce REST API prefixed with approval. You can set approval properties by setting approvalPropertyName of the Endpoint these will be used as template -- meaning that any property not present in either body or header will be taken from the Endpoint configuration. Or you can set the approval template on the Endpoint by assigning approval property to a reference onto a bean in the Registry

You can also provide header values using the same approvalPropertyName in the incoming message headers.

And finally body can contain one AprovalRequest or an java.util.Iterable of ApprovalRequest objects to process as a batch.

The important thing to remember is the priority of the values specified in these three mechanisms:

  1. value in body takes precedence before any other
  2. value in message header takes precedence before template value
  3. value in template is set if no other value in header or body was given

For example to send one record for approval using values in headers use:

Given a route:

Code Block
        .setHeader("approval.ContextId", simple("${body['contextId']}"))
        .setHeader("approval.NextApproverIds", simple("${body['nextApproverIds']}"))
            + "approval.actionType=Submit"
            + "&approval.comments=this is a test"
            + "&approval.processDefinitionNameOrId=Test_Account_Process"
            + "&approval.skipEntryCriteria=true");

You could send a record for approval using:

Code Block
final Map<String, String> body = new HashMap<>();
body.put("contextId", accountIds.iterator().next());
body.put("nextApproverIds", userId);

final ApprovalResult result = template.requestBody("direct:example1", body, ApprovalResult.class);

Using Salesforce Recent Items API

To fetch the recent items use salesforce:recent operation. This operation returns an java.util.List of org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.api.dto.RecentItem objects (List<RecentItem>) that in turn contain the Id, Name and Attributes (with type and url properties). You can limit the number of returned items by specifying limit parameter set to maximum number of records to return.

For example:

Code Block
            .log("${} at ${body.attributes.url}");

Camel Salesforce Maven Plugin
