Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



MessageAndOffset => Offset MessageSize Message
  Offset => int64  
  MessageSize => int32
  Message => Crc MagicByte Attributes Timestamp KeyLength Key HeadersLength Headers ValueLength Value
    Crc => int32
    MagicByte => int8  <---------------------- Bump the Magic Byte to 2
    Attributes => int8 <---------------------- Use Bit 5 as boolean flag for 'isTombstone' flag
    Timestamp => int64
    KeyLength => int32
    Key => bytes
    ValueLength => int32
    Value => bytes



Update method "shouldRetainMessage" to also look at attribute bit 5 for tombstone marker



  • Migration plan :

    • Currently the code version is 0.10.1, message.format.version = 0.10.1, IBP = 0.10.1.
    • Create internal ApiVersion 0.10.2-IV0 which uses ProduceRequest V3 V4 (magic byte = 2) and FetchRequest V3 V4 (magic byte =2).
    • We first upgrade the code to support ApiVersion 0.10.2-IV0 with a rolling upgrade.
    • Do a rolling bounce and set the IBP = 0.10.2
    • Upgrade clients to start producing and consuming using ProduceRequest V3 V4 (magic byte = 2) and FetchRequest V3 V4 (magic byte =2).
      • At this point if the broker receives ProduceRequest V3 V4 from producer with the tombstone bit set in the message, it will down convert it to set it to null. ProduceRequest V2 V3 will work as it does today.
      • At this point if the broker receives FetchRequest V2 V3 from consumer, we will not loose zero copy because the message is down converted. If the broker receives FetchRequest V3V4, it will still work as the consumer will be able to understand the tombstone bit.
    • When all the clients have upgraded, bump up the message.format.version to 0.10.2 on the broker. We should be careful here to see that almost all consumers are upgraded since at this point if broker receives a FetchRequest V2V3, we might loose zero copy on the broker.
    • From log compaction point of view :
      • If the magic byte on message is 0, the broker should use the null value for log compaction.
      • If the magic byte on message is 1, the broker should use the null value for log compaction.
      • If the magic byte on message is 2, the broker should use the tombstone bit for log compaction.
    • NOTE : With the new version of producer client using ProduceRequest V3 V4 (magic byte = 2), a non tombstone (tombstone bit not set) and null value should not be allowed as the older version of consumer using FetchRequest V2 V3 will think of this as a tombstone when its actually not.
