Versions Compared


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There are two main goals of this release

  • Make legally ready for binary & source releases
  • Clear all license issues in the code base and make it legally ready to be adopted by the community.
  • Removed hibernate dependency
  • Integrated OpenJPA
  • Share the new features that have been developed so far, to give the community a good sense of the upcoming 0.4.0 release.

Release Artifacts

Download the 0.45.0-incubating release

Source code only, no binariesThis release contains both Source & Binaries artifacts. Date of release: Oct 17Dec 05, 2016

Release Notes

New Features & Improvements

  • Integrated OpenJPA with Fineract
  • [FINERACT-50] Add "mandatory" property to code value entity
  • [FINERACT-53] Make the "clientId" URL parameter optional for "loan details template" retrieval
  • [FINERACT-57] Set closure properties of reactivated closed client entity to null
  • [FINERACT-202] Ability to reschedule loans more than once
  • [FINERACT-70] Rename deleted standing instruction by appending "_deleted_" string and the id 
  • [FINERACT-65] Implement ability to schedule & e-mail reports
  • [MIFOSX-2731] Combined both savings charges and penalties into charges drop down
  • [FINERACT-131] Topup Loan Feature
  • Adding code values to r_enum table
  • Validating disbursement date against expected disbursement date
  • Address Module implementation 
  • Feature implementation of undo reject and undo withdrawal for client

  • Fix for performance issues



  • SMS Campaign feature
  • FINERACT-37 - Support rescheduling repayments on holidays 

  • Add API to allow self-service user to change their password

  • Savings interest posting on specified date

  • FINERACT-44 Cannot delete an inactive charge associated with a product (loan/savings)
  • FINERACT-45 The "getRejectedByUser" method in the "LoanRescheduleRequest" entity class returns the wrong value
  • FINERACT-47 Expired user password cannot be updated by the same user
  • FINERACT-55 Standing instruction not disabled at loan/savings account closure

  • FINERACT-61 Incorrect penalty and fee charges amount inserted into the "m_loan_arrears_aging" table

  • FINERACT-190 Client accounts API shows multiple entries for same share account

  • FINERACT-206 When deleting a group with with a user who has roles. It throws com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails
  • FINERACT-71 "AuditReadPlatformServiceImpl.retrieveEntries" returns duplicate results for users without the "ALL_FUNCTIONS" and "CHECKER_SUPER_USER" permissions
  • FINERACT-215 For equal principal payment not able to reschedule the loan with extend number of repayments
  • FINERACT-214 Not able to reschedule loan if the overdue charge is applied
  • FINERACT-212 In Modify loan application able to reduce loan amount than existing loan(added for topup)
  • FINERACT-216 Should not allowed for different currency for topup Loans
  • FINERACT-218 After topup loan, previous loan which got closed should not allowed to activate again
  • FINERACT-223 In topup loan if the "Choose loan to close" is selected in modified loan product then internal server error is displaying
  • FINERACT-211 Not able to make loan repayment from savings account through standing instructions after executing the scheduler job