Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Is the proposed change being made in the correct place? Is it a fix in a backend when it should be in the primitives?  In Kafka vs Storm?
  • What is the change being proposed?  Is it based on Community recognized issues?
  • Do we want this feature or is the bug they’re fixing really a bug?
  • Does the change do what the author claims?
  • Are there sufficient tests?
  • Has it been documented?
  • Will this change introduce new bugs?


Also, please review if the submitter correctly flagged impacts to the following (if exist):

  • System Configuration Changes
    • Metron Configuration
    • Metron Component Configuration (sensors, etc)
    • Tech Stack Configuration (Storm, Hbase, etc)
  • Environmental Changes
    • Helper Shell Scripts
    • RPM Packaging
    • Ansible, Ambari, AWS, Docker
  • Documentation Impacts
    • Changes to Wiki Documentation
    • Revisions in Tutorials
    • Developer Guide
    • Expansions in readme's 
  • Changes to System Interfaces
    • Stellar Shell
    • REST APIs
    • Etc...

2.  Implementation

2.1  Grammar and style

These are small things that are not caught by the automated style checkers.

  • Does a variable need a better name?
  • Should this be a keyword argument?
  • In a PR, maintain the existing style of the file.
  • Don’t combine code changes with lots of edits of whitespace or comments; it makes code review too difficult. It’s okay to fix an occasional comment or indenting, but if wholesale comment or whitespace changes are needed, make them a separate PR.
  • Use the checkstyle plugin in Maven to verify that your PR conforms to our style

2.2  Code Style

2.3  Coding Standards

  • Implementation matches what the documentation says  
  • Logger name is effectively the result of Class.getName() 

  • Class & member access - as restricted as it can be (subject to testing requirements)  

  • Appropriate NullPointerException and IllegalArgumentException argument checks  

  • Asserts - verify they should always be true  
  • Look for accidental propagation of exceptions  
  • Look for unanticipated runtime exceptions  
  • Try-finally used as necessary to restore consistent state  
  • Logging levels conform to Log4j levels 

  • Possible deadlocks - look for inconsistent locking order  
  • Race conditions - look for missing or inadequate synchronization  
  • Consistent synchronization - always locking the same object(s)  
  • Look for synchronization or documentation saying there's no synchronization  
  • Look for possible performance problems  
  • Look at boundary conditions for problems  
  • Configuration entries are retrieved/set via setter/getter methods  
  • Implementation details do NOT leak into interfaces  
  • Variables and arguments should be interfaces where possible  
  • If equals is overridden then hashCode is overridden (and vice versa)  

  • Objects are checked (instanceof) for appropriate type before casting (use generics if possible)  

  • Public API changes have been publicly discussed  
  • Use of static member variables should be used with caution especially in Map/reduce tasks due to the JVM reuse feature 

2.4 Documentation

Code-Level Documentation

    • Self-documenting code (variable, method, class) has a clear semantic name
    • Accurate, sufficient for developers to code against
    • Follows standard Javadoc conventions
    • Loggers and logging levels covered if they do not follow our conventions (see below)
    • System properties, configuration options, and resources covered
    • Illegal arguments are properly documented as appropriate
    • Package and overview Javadoc are updated as appropriate
    • Javadoc comments are mandatory for all public APIs
    • Generate Javadocs for release builds

Feature-level documentation -  should be version controlled in github in README files.

    • Accurate description of the feature
    • Sample configuration and deployment options
    • Sample usage scenarios 

High-Level Design documentation - architecture description and diagrams should be a part of a wiki entry.

    • Provide diagrams/charts where appropriate.  Visuals are always welcome
    • Provide purpose of the feature/module and why it exists within the project
    • Describe system flows through the feature/module where appropriate
    • Describe how the feature/module interfaces with the rest of the system
    • Describe appropriate usages scenarios and use cases

Tutorials - system-level tutorials and use cases should also be kept as wiki entries.

    • Add to the Metron reference application documentation for each additional major feature
    • If appropriate, publish a tutorials blog on the Wiki to highlight usage scenarios and apply them to the real world use cases

2.5  Tests

  • Unit tests exist for bug fixes and new features, or a rationale is given in JIRA for why there is no test 
  •  Unit tests do not write any temporary files to /tmp (instead, the tests should write to the location specified by the system property)  

