Versions Compared


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Please find the detailed JIRA list :



  • [CARBONDATA-333] - Unable to perform compaction
  • [CARBONDATA-341] - CarbonTableIdentifier being passed to the query flow has wrong tableid
  • [CARBONDATA-362] - Optimize the parameters' name in CarbonDataRDDFactory.scala
  • [CARBONDATA-374] - Short data type is not working.
  • [CARBONDATA-375] - Dictionary cache not getting cleared after task completion in dictionary decoder
  • [CARBONDATA-381] - Unnecessary catalog metadata refresh and array index of bound exception in drop table
  • [CARBONDATA-390] - Float Data Type is Not Working
  • [CARBONDATA-404] - Data loading from DataFrame to carbon table is FAILED
  • [CARBONDATA-405] - Data load fail if dataframe is created with LONG datatype column . 
  • [CARBONDATA-412] - in windows, when load into table whose name has "_", the old segment will be deleted.
  • [CARBONDATA-418] - Data Loading performance issue
  • [CARBONDATA-421] - Timestamp data type filter issue with format other than "-"
  • [CARBONDATA-442] - Query result mismatching with Hive
  • [CARBONDATA-448] - Solve compilation error for spark2 integration
  • [CARBONDATA-451] - Can not run query on windows now
  • [CARBONDATA-456] - Select count(*) from table is slower.
  • [CARBONDATA-459] - Block distribution is wrong in case of dynamic allocation=true
  • [CARBONDATA-471] - Optimize no kettle flow and fix issues in cluster
  • [CARBONDATA-474] - Implement unit test cases for core.datastorage package
  • [CARBONDATA-476] - storeLocation start with file:/// cause table not found exceptioin
  • [CARBONDATA-481] - [SPARK2]fix late decoder and support whole stage code gen
  • [CARBONDATA-486] - Reading dataframe concurrently will lead to wrong data
  • [CARBONDATA-487] - spark2 integration is not compiling
  • [CARBONDATA-492] - When profile spark-2.0 is avtive , CarbonExample have error in intellij idea
  • [CARBONDATA-493] - Insert into select from a empty table cause exception
  • [CARBONDATA-497] - [Spark2] fix datatype issue of CarbonLateDecoderRule
  • [CARBONDATA-518] - CarbonExample of spark moudle can not run as kettlehome and storepath shoug get form carbonproperties now
  • [CARBONDATA-522] - New data loading flowcauses testcase failures like big decimal etc
  • [CARBONDATA-532] - When set use_kettle=false , the testcase [TestEmptyRows] run failed
  • [CARBONDATA-536] - Initialize GlobalDictionaryUtil.updateTableMetadataFunc for Spark 2.x
  • [CARBONDATA-537] - Bug fix for DICTIONARY_EXCLUDE option in spark2 integration
  • [CARBONDATA-539] - Return empty row in map reduce application
  • [CARBONDATA-544] - Delete core/.TestFileFactory.carbondata.crc,core/Testdb.carbon
  • [CARBONDATA-552] - Unthrown FilterUnsupportedException in catch block
  • [CARBONDATA-557] - Option use_kettle is not work when use spark-1.5
  • [CARBONDATA-558] - Load performance bad when use_kettle=false
  • [CARBONDATA-560] - In QueryExecutionException, can not use executorService.shutdownNow() to shut down immediately.
  • [CARBONDATA-562] - Carbon Context initialization is failed with spark 1.6.3 
  • [CARBONDATA-563] - Select Queries are not working with spark 1.6.2.
  • [CARBONDATA-573] - To fix query statistic issue
  • [CARBONDATA-574] - Add thrift server support to Spark 2.0 carbon integration
  • [CARBONDATA-577] - Carbon session is not working in spark shell.
  • [CARBONDATA-581] - Node locality cannot be obtained in group by queries
  • [CARBONDATA-582] - Able to create table When Number Of Buckets is Given in negative
  • [CARBONDATA-585] - Dictionary file is locked for Updation
  • [CARBONDATA-589] - carbon spark shell is not working with spark 2.0
  • [CARBONDATA-593] - Select command seems to be not working on carbon-spark-shell . It throws a runtime error on select query after show method is invoked
  • [CARBONDATA-595] - Drop Table for carbon throws NPE with HDFS lock type.
  • [CARBONDATA-600] - Should reuse unit test case for integration module
  • [CARBONDATA-608] - Compliation Error with spark 1.6 profile
  • [CARBONDATA-609] - CarbonDataFileVersionIssue
  • [CARBONDATA-611] - mvn clean -Pbuild-with-format package does not work
  • [CARBONDATA-614] - Fix dictionary locked issue
  • [CARBONDATA-617] - Insert query not working with UNION
  • [CARBONDATA-618] - Add new profile to build all modules for release purpose
  • [CARBONDATA-619] - Compaction API for Spark 2.1 : Issue in compaction type
  • [CARBONDATA-620] - Compaction is failing in case of multiple blocklet
  • [CARBONDATA-621] - Compaction is failing in case of multiple blocklet
  • [CARBONDATA-622] - Should use the same fileheader reader for dict generation and data loading
  • [CARBONDATA-627] - Fix Union unit test case for spark2
  • [CARBONDATA-628] - Issue when measure selection with out table order gives wrong result with vectorized reader enabled
  • [CARBONDATA-629] - Issue with database name case sensitivity
  • [CARBONDATA-630] - Unable to use string function on string/char data type column
  • [CARBONDATA-632] - Fix wrong comments of load data in CarbonDataRDDFactory.scala
  • [CARBONDATA-633] - Query Crash issue in case of offheap
  • [CARBONDATA-634] - Load Query options invalid values are not consistent behaviour. 
  • [CARBONDATA-635] - ClassCastException in Spark 2.1 Cluster mode in insert query when name of column is changed and When the orders of columns are changed in the tables
  • [CARBONDATA-636] - Testcases are failing in spark 1.6 and 2.1 with no kettle flow. 
  • [CARBONDATA-639] - "Delete data" feature doesn't work
  • [CARBONDATA-641] - DICTIONARY_EXCLUDE is not working with 'DATE' column
  • [CARBONDATA-643] - When we are passing ALL_DICTIONARY_PATH' in load query ,it is throwing null pointer exception.
  • [CARBONDATA-644] - Select query fails randomly on spark shell
  • [CARBONDATA-648] - Code Clean Up
  • [CARBONDATA-650] - Columns switching error in performing the string functions
  • [CARBONDATA-654] - Add data update and deletion example
  • [CARBONDATA-667] - after setting carbon property carbon.kettle.home in , while loading data, it is not referring to the file in carbonlib directory
  • [CARBONDATA-668] - Dataloads fail when no. of column in load query is greater than the no. of column in create table
  • [CARBONDATA-669] - InsertIntoCarbonTableTestCase.insert into carbon table from carbon table union query random test failure
  • [CARBONDATA-671] - Date data is coming as null when date data is before 1970
  • [CARBONDATA-673] - Reverting big decimal compression as it has below issue
  • [CARBONDATA-674] - Store compatibility 0.2 to 1.0


New Feature


  • [CARBONDATA-444] - Improved integration test-case for AllDataTypesTestCase1
  • [CARBONDATA-445] - Improved integration test-case for AllDataTypesTestCase3



  • [CARBONDATA-85] - please support insert into carbon table from other format table