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nameCarbonData Release Notes 0.2.0.pdf

Please find the detail JIRA list : 


  • [CARBONDATA-152] - Carbon is not giving proper result with double value
  • [CARBONDATA-153] - Record count is not matching while loading the data when one data node went down in HA setup
  • [CARBONDATA-157] - for decimal(n,n) column, when filter has int value, then will trow exception
  • [CARBONDATA-158] - Load data failed when first line is null in data
  • [CARBONDATA-160] - Data mismatch issue issue in case of multiple loads with dictionary column with different key size
  • [CARBONDATA-165] - Behavior need to be corrected when fact csv have header for ALL_DICTIONARY
  • [CARBONDATA-167] - UndeclaredThrowableException thrown instead of data loading fail when fileheader has unsupported characters in file/command
  • [CARBONDATA-169] - COLUMNDICT and ALL_DICT_PATH can not be used together
  • [CARBONDATA-170] - Delete the lock files which are created after unlock.
  • [CARBONDATA-171] - Block distribution not proper when the number of active executors more than the node size
  • [CARBONDATA-173] - Error info is not proper when measure use COLUMNDICT
  • [CARBONDATA-174] - When hadoop.tmp.dir configured incorrectly, hdfs lock of carbon would throw exception.
  • [CARBONDATA-176] - Should not allow deletion of compacted segment.
  • [CARBONDATA-177] - Greater than and Less than filter returning wrong result
  • [CARBONDATA-178] - table not exist when execute show segments using spark-sql and beeline the same time
  • [CARBONDATA-179] - describe new table show old table's schema 
  • [CARBONDATA-180] - give proper error message when dataloading with wrong delimiter value
  • [CARBONDATA-183] - Blocks are allocated to single node when Executors configured is based on the ip address.
  • [CARBONDATA-184] - Complex types data load is not loading the data with special character delimiters like " ^ * - .
  • [CARBONDATA-185] - "DROP CUBE" need change to "DROP TABLE" in CarbonDatasourceRelation.scala
  • [CARBONDATA-186] - Except Compaction all other alter operations on carbon table should not be performed.
  • [CARBONDATA-187] - when using Decimal type as dictionary the generated surrogate key would mismatch for the same values during increment load
  • [CARBONDATA-189] - Drop database dbname cascade should be restricted in carbondata
  • [CARBONDATA-190] - Data mismatch issue
  • [CARBONDATA-191] - load data is null when quote char is single and no '\n' being end.
  • [CARBONDATA-192] - Invalidate table from hive context while dropping the table
  • [CARBONDATA-194] - ArrayIndexOfBoundException thrown when number of columns in row more than the max number of columns in univocity parser settings
  • [CARBONDATA-195] - Select query with AND filter failing for empty '' operand value of numeric column
  • [CARBONDATA-198] - Implementing system level lock for compaction.
  • [CARBONDATA-199] - when subquery with sort and filter the result is empty
  • [CARBONDATA-201] - Add comment Option 
  • [CARBONDATA-203] - Use static string to set Hadoop configuration
  • [CARBONDATA-204] - Query statistics issue 
  • [CARBONDATA-205] - Can't pass compile, the case of DataCompactionLockTest is failed.
  • [CARBONDATA-208] - User should be able to turn on and off the STATISTIC log
  • [CARBONDATA-215] - Correct the file headers of classes
  • [CARBONDATA-216] - Files should be deleted as this feature not supported now.
  • [CARBONDATA-217] - Data mismatch issue in After compaction
  • [CARBONDATA-219] - compaction with out data load is failing.
  • [CARBONDATA-220] - is not running in the build
  • [CARBONDATA-222] - Query issue for all dimensions are no dictionary columns
  • [CARBONDATA-224] - Fixed data mismatch issue in case of Dictionary Exclude column for Numeric data type
  • [CARBONDATA-226] - Delete load by ID message when the compacted segment is present is wrong.
  • [CARBONDATA-227] - In block distribution parralelism is decided initially and not re initialized after requesting new executors
  • [CARBONDATA-229] - Array Index of bound exception thrown from dictionary look up while writing sort index file
  • [CARBONDATA-234] - wrong message is printed in the logs each time when the compaction is done.
  • [CARBONDATA-238] - CarbonOptimizer shouldn't add CarbonDictionaryCatalystDecoder for HiveTable
  • [CARBONDATA-239] - Failure of one compaction in queue should not affect the others.
  • [CARBONDATA-241] - OOM error during query execution in long run
  • [CARBONDATA-242] - NOT IN with Null filter results are not compatible With Hive
  • [CARBONDATA-244] - Load and delete segment by id queries giving inconsistent results when we execute parallely
  • [CARBONDATA-245] - Actual Exception is getting lost in case of data dictionary file generation.
  • [CARBONDATA-246] - compaction is wrong in case if last segment is not assigned to an executor.
  • [CARBONDATA-247] - Higher MAXCOLUMNS value in load DML options is leading to out of memory error
  • [CARBONDATA-248] - There was no header in driver statistics table and scan block time was always zero
  • [CARBONDATA-250] - Throw exception and fail the data load if provided MAXCOLUMNS value is not proper
  • [CARBONDATA-251] - making the auto compaction as blocking call.
  • [CARBONDATA-252] - Filter result is not proper when Double data type values with 0.0 and -0.0 will be used
  • [CARBONDATA-253] - Duplicate block loading when distribution is based on blocklet
  • [CARBONDATA-255] - keyword SEGMENT should be used instead of LOAD In data management dml because LOAD is not supported now
  • [CARBONDATA-260] - Equal or lesser value of MAXCOLUMNS option than column count in CSV header results into array index of bound exception
  • [CARBONDATA-261] - clean files is updating the stale segments to the table status.
  • [CARBONDATA-262] - limit query memory and thread leak issue
  • [CARBONDATA-268] - CarbonOptimizer has performance problem
  • [CARBONDATA-271] - Non Filter data mismatch issue
  • [CARBONDATA-272] - Two test case are failing , on second time maven build without 'clean'
  • [CARBONDATA-273] - Some constants should be written using carbon common constants instead of direct values
  • [CARBONDATA-280] - when table properties is repeated it only set the last one
  • [CARBONDATA-288] - In hdfs bad record logger is failing in writting the bad records
  • [CARBONDATA-289] - Support MB/M for table block size and update the doc about this new feature. 
  • [CARBONDATA-294] - Timestamp Data Error
  • [CARBONDATA-304] - Load data failure when set table_blocksize=2048
  • [CARBONDATA-310] - Compilation failed when using spark 1.6.2
  • [CARBONDATA-315] - Data loading fails if parsing a double value returns infinity
  • [CARBONDATA-317] - CSV having only space char is throwing NullPointerException
  • [CARBONDATA-319] - Bad Records logging for column LONG data type is not proper
  • [CARBONDATA-320] - problem when dropped a table during all data nodes are down. 
  • [CARBONDATA-334] - Correct Some Spelling Mistakes
  • [CARBONDATA-339] - Align storePath name in generateGlobalDictionary() of GlobalDictionaryUtil.scala
  • [CARBONDATA-358] - Compaction is not working in latest release
  • [CARBONDATA-359] - is null & null functions are not working when data fetching from sub query
  • [CARBONDATA-360] - On Dictionary excluded column, condition is not working if value is not in '' 
  • [CARBONDATA-363] - Block loading issue in case of blocklet distribution
  • [CARBONDATA-364] - Drop table is behaving inconsistently
  • [CARBONDATA-365] - Compaction fails when table is created with configured block size
  • [CARBONDATA-366] - Incorrect load data behaviour in mentioned scenario
  • [CARBONDATA-385] - Select query is giving cast exception
  • [CARBONDATA-417] - [Bad Records] Not created and not writen log file when logger is True and action as Fail


New Feature
