Versions Compared


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Container technologies are gaining quite a momentum and changing the way how application are traditionally deployed in the public and private clouds. Gaining interest in micro services based architecture also fostering adaption of container technologies. Like how cloud orchestration platforms enabled provisioning of VM's and adjunct services, container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes [3], docker swarm [1], mesos [2] are emerging to enable orchestration of containers. Container orchestration platforms typically can be run any where and can be used to provision containers. A popular choice of running containers has been running them on the IAAS provisioned VM's. AWS and GCE provides native functionality to launch containers abstracting underlying consumption of VM's. There are couple efforts to provision a A container orchestration platforms platform can be provisioned on top of CloudStack using develop tools, for e.g [6], but they are not out of the box solution. Given the momentum of container technologies, miro-services etc it make sense to provide a native functionality in CloudStack which is available out-of-the-box for users.


As part of container cluster creation, container service shall be responsible for setting up control place plane of container orchestrator that was choosen. How a container orchestrator will be setup is dependent on the choosen orchestrator.



Api changes

Following API shall be introduced with container service:

  • createContainerCluster
    • name: name of container cluster
    • description: description of container cluster
    • zoneid: uuid of the zone in which container cluster will be provisioned
    • serviceofferingid: service offering with which cluster VM's shall be provisioned
    • cluster: size of the cluster or number of VM's to be provisioned
    • accountname: account for which container cluster shall be created
    • domainid: domain of the account for which container cluster shall be created
    • networkid: uuid of the network in to which container cluster VM's will be provisioned. If not specified container service shall provision a new isolated network with default isolated network offering with source nat service.
  • deleteContainerCluster
    • id: uuid of container cluster
  • startContainerCluster
    • id: uuid of container cluster
  • stopContainerCluster
    • id: uuid of container cluster
  • listContainerCluster
    • id: uuid of container cluster

New reponse 'containerclusterreponse' shall be added with below details

  • name
  • description
  • zoneid
  • serviceofferingid
  • networkid
  • clustersize
  • endpoint: URL of the container cluster manger API server endpoint 


Each of the life cycle operation is a workflow resulting in either provisioning or deleting multiple CloudStack resources. Its not possible to achieve atomicity. There is no guarantee a workflow of a life cycle operation will succeed due to lack of 2PC like model of resource reservation followed by provisioning semantics. Also there is no guarantee rollback getting succeeded. For e.g. while provisioning a cluster of size 10 VM's, deployment may run out of capacity to provision any more VM's after provisioning 5 Vm's . In which case as rollback provisioned VM's can be destroyed. But there can be cases where deleting a provisioned VM is not possible temporarily like disconnected hosts etc. So its not possible to achieve strong consistency.

Below approach is followed while performing life cycle operations..

  • Do a best effort rollback for a life cycle operation in case of failure
  • In case rollback fails, have reconciliation mechanisms that will ensure eventual consistency


Below state machine reflects how container cluster state transitions for each of life cycle oerations


Garbage collection

garbage collection shall be implemented as a way to clean up the resources of container cluster, as a background task. Following are cases where cluster resources are freed up.

  • Starting container cluster fails, resulting in clean up of the provisioned resources (Starting → Expunging → Destroyed)
  • deleting container cluster (Stopped→ Expunging → Destroyed and Alert→ Expunging → Destroyed )

If there is failures in cleaning up resources, and clean up can not proceed, state of container cluster is marked in 'Expunge' state from 'Expunging' state.  Garbage collector will loop through the list of container clusters in 'Expunge' state periodically and try to free the resources held by container cluster.

Cluster state synchronization

State of the container cluster is 'desired state' of the cluster as intended by the user or what the system's logical view of the container cluster. However there are various scenarios where desired state of the container cluster is not sync with state that can be inferred from actual physical/infrastructure. For e.g a container cluster in 'Running' state with cluster size of 10 VM's all in running state. Its possible due to host failures, some of the VM's may get stopped at later point. Now the desired state of the container cluster is a cluster with 10 VM's  running and in operationally ready state (w.r.t to container provisioning), but the resource layer is state is different. So we need a mechanism to ensure:

  • cluster is in desired state at resource/infrastructure layer. Which could mean provision new VM's or delete VM's, in the cluster etc to ensure desired state of the container cluster
  • Conversely when reconciliation can not happen reflect the state of the cluster accordingly, and to recover at later point.

Following mechanism will be implemented.

  • A state 'Alert' will be maintained that indicates container cluster is not in its desired state.
  • A state synchronization background task will run periodically to infer if the cluster is in desired state. If not cluster will marked as alert state.
  • A recovery action try to recover the cluster

State transitions in FSM, where a container cluster ends up in 'Alert' state:

  • failure in middle of scale in/out, resulting in cluster size (# of VM's) not equal to the expected.
  • failure in stopping a cluster, leaving some VM's to be running state.
  • Difference of states as detected by the state synchronization thread.

provisioning kubernetes container cluster manager

Core OS template shall be used to provision container cluster VM. Setting up a cluster VM as master/node of kubernetes is done through cloud-config script in [7] in CoreOS. CloudStack shall pass necessary cloud config script as base 64 encoded user data. Cloud-conOnce Core OS instances are launched by CloudStack, by virtue of cloud-config data passed as user data, core OS instances self-configures as kubernetes master and node VM's

schema changes


Code Block
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `cloud`.`container_cluster` (
    `id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment COMMENT 'id',
    `uuid` varchar(40),
    `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    `description` varchar(4096) COMMENT 'display text for this container cluster',
    `zone_id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'zone id',
    `service_offering_id` bigint unsigned COMMENT 'service offering id for the cluster VM',
    `template_id` bigint unsigned COMMENT '',
    `network_id` bigint unsigned COMMENT 'network this container cluster uses',
    `node_count` bigint NOT NULL default '0',
    `account_id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'owner of this cluster',
    `domain_id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'owner of this cluster',
    `state` char(32) NOT NULL COMMENT 'current state of this cluster',
    `key_pair` varchar(40),
    `cores` bigint unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'number of cores',
    `memory` bigint unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'total memory',
    `endpoint` varchar(255) COMMENT 'url endpoint of the container cluster manager api access',
    `console_endpoint` varchar(255) COMMENT 'url for the container cluster manager dashbaord',
    `created` datetime NOT NULL COMMENT 'date created',
    `removed` datetime COMMENT 'date removed if not null',
    `gc` tinyint unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 COMMENT 'gc this container cluster or not',
    CONSTRAINT `fk_cluster__zone_id` FOREIGN KEY `fk_cluster__zone_id` (`zone_id`) REFERENCES `data_center` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE,
    CONSTRAINT `fk_cluster__service_offering_id` FOREIGN KEY `fk_cluster__service_offering_id` (`service_offering_id`) REFERENCES `service_offering`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE,
    CONSTRAINT `fk_cluster__template_id` FOREIGN KEY `fk_cluster__template_id`(`template_id`) REFERENCES `vm_template`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE,
    CONSTRAINT `fk_cluster__network_id` FOREIGN KEY `fk_cluster__network_id`(`network_id`) REFERENCES `networks`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE,
    PRIMARY KEY(`id`)

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `cloud`.`container_cluster_vm_map` (
    `id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment COMMENT 'id',
    `cluster_id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'cluster id',
    `vm_id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'vm id',
    PRIMARY KEY(`id`),
    CONSTRAINT `container_cluster_vm_map_cluster__id` FOREIGN KEY `container_cluster_vm_map_cluster__id`(`cluster_id`) REFERENCES `container_cluster`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `cloud`.`container_cluster_details` (
    `id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment COMMENT 'id',
    `cluster_id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'cluster id',
    `username` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    `password` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    `registry_username` varchar(255),
    `registry_password` varchar(255),
    `registry_url` varchar(255),
    `registry_email` varchar(255),
    `network_cleanup` tinyint unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 COMMENT 'true if network needs to be clean up on deletion of container cluster. Should be false if user specfied network for the cluster',
    PRIMARY KEY(`id`),
    CONSTRAINT `container_cluster_details_cluster__id` FOREIGN KEY `container_cluster_details_cluster__id`(`cluster_id`) REFERENCES `container_cluster`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE








